Chapter 4

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TW: Mention of past self-harm

Virgil was late for class. Again. How he was a Ravenclaw evaded even him. He was running down the corridor and was in such a panic, he didn't see that there was a person in front of him. He collided head-first with a distinctly cute guy. Long story short, Virgil ended up on the floor.

"Good Lord, I'm sorry." The other boy said, shaking his golden hair out of his black eyes and holding a hand out to Virgil. Virgil took it, blushing from more than the embarrassment.

"Sorry again. I'm Daniel, by the way." Daniel said, helping Virgil up and beaming. Virgil felt his cheeks heat up even more.

"Uh, I-I-I'm Virgil." Virgil said, cursing his stutter again and guessing he probably had the stupidest smile on his face. Daniel smiled back and handed Virgil his sketchbook.

"Well, see you around Cutie." Daniel said, winking at Virgil before leaving him standing alone in the middle of a corridor, blushing like a love-struck idiot.


Suddenly, the pictures of Roman disappeared from Virgil's sketchbook to be replaced with pictures of Daniel. Virgil had a fascination with the cute Hufflepuff, blushing any time he was remotely near him and stumbling over the simplest of sentences. Virgil felt that, as hard as he tried, he couldn't catch Daniel's essence on paper. He could never draw the sun bouncing off of his golden hair just right or the starlight sparkling in his eyes was always lost in translation. This didn't stop Virgil, however. It just made him more determined to draw Daniel over and over until he got him perfectly on paper. Virgil had fallen and he had fallen hard. He was deeply in love with Daniel, all thoughts of Roman gone from his mind.


Virgil flopped down on the grass next to Janus and Remus, his face pink and his eyes shining.

"Hey Virgil. What's up?" Janus asked, not looking up from making a flower crown at Remus' request.

Virgil hugged his sketchbook, beaming. "I'm in love!" He declaimed dramatically.

"Oh? Who with? My brother?" Remus asked, looking at Virgil and noting his shining eyes and care-free expression.

"What? No." Remus and Janus shared a look.

"Who are you in love with, then?" Janus asked, sitting the crown lopsidedly on Remus' hair.

Virgil closed his eyes and smiled shyly. "Daniel Parker."

Janus and Remus shared a more worried look. "Are-are you sure, Virgil?" Janus asked.

Virgil opened his eyes and looked at Janus, still beaming. "Of course I'm sure. He's perfect in every way!"

"Virgil, he really isn't." Remus said, worry written all over his face.

"Well, I mean, I know he isn't. No one is. But he's still so beautiful and kind and smart and lovely and perfect and amazing and-"

"Virgil, this isn't normal. This isn't you." Janus cut Virgil off. Suddenly, Virgil sat up, all happiness gone from his face and the sparkle in his eyes gone.

"God, why can't you just be fucking happy for me?" He asked before getting up and storming off.


"Patton! Can me and Remus talk to you for a second?"

"Sure kiddo. What's up?"

"We're worried about Virgil." Patton cocked his head to one side. "Boy with the black hair and the sketchbook?"

"Oh!" Patton nodded his head. "He's nice. What's up with him?"

"He's in love."

"Why should that worry you? It's brilliant." Patton said, clapping his hands. Janus shook his head sadly.

"I wish it was. He's in love with Daniel Parker." The smile slid off of Patton's face to be replaced with a look of worry and fear.

"Daniel Parker as in the Daniel who's in Hufflepuff?" Patton whispered, terrified.

Remus nodded his head, his insane grin no longer a part of his face. "We're afraid so."

"Oh. Oh no. That is bad. Poor Virgil. Have you tried talking to him about it?"

"Of course we have! He just got angry and snapped at us."

"We're so worried about him." Remus butted in.

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

"You're in his House. You must know something about him, how he gets people to-"

"Please don't remind me. I've had trust issues ever since." Patton said, holding up a hand to forcefully shush Janus.

"Oh God, Patton. I'm so sorry. I forgot."

Patton shook his head, smiling sadly. "It's fine. I'll try anything I can to stop it happening again. From what I've seen, Virgil's already got huge anxiety."

"Oh, thank you!" Remus said, hugging Patton suddenly and tightly.

"We're so grateful." Janus said, pulling Remus off Patton.

"I don't want it to happen again, he needs to be stopped." Patton said firmly as Janus dragged Remus away.

Patton looked down and bit his lip in an attempt to hold back the tears. He ran his fingers over the scars on his wrist and let a single tear fall. Wiping his cheek, he looked up, took a deep breath and went off to find his boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Virgil was sitting in an empty corridor, sketching yet another picture of Daniel.

"Hello Virgil." A voice said softly. Virgil looked up and smiled shyly, feeling a blush creep up his cheeks.

"H-Hi Daniel." He said shyly as the other boy sat beside him.

"What are you drawing?" Daniel asked. Virgil closed his sketchbook self-consciously.

"I-It's nothing special. Or good, actually." Virgil said, laughing nervously.

"Can I see the drawing, Virgil? Please?" Daniel asked softly. Virgil felt his emotional walls crumble. He gave in and showed Daniel the sketch he was drawing.

"Virgil." Daniel breathed. "Is this me?"

"Y-Y-Yes. I-I-I told you it was nothing good. C-C-Can I have my sketchbook back?"

"Virgil, it's amazing. You shouldn't doubt yourself." Daniel said, handing Virgil back his sketchbook. Daniel bit his lip as if struggling with something emotionally before doing the unthinkable. He leaned over and kissed Virgil.

Virgil's eyes went wide but he found himself kissing back. Virgil couldn't believe it. Daniel Parker was kissing him and he was kissing him back and this was not a dream. Daniel's lips were soft and warm and Virgil felt his whole face heat up. When they pulled apart, Virgil's face was red and his eyes were shining. Daniel, on the other hand, was breathless and his eyes were filled with starlight. They looked at each other and smiled bashfully before looking away.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

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