Chapter 6

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TW: Homophobic slurs, bullying, panic attack

"Hi Virgil? We're sorry." Janus said, slapping a hand over Remus' mouth before he could say anything. Really, they weren't sorry at all (they hadn't done anything wrong) but they couldn't look out for Virgil when they weren't on speaking terms. Virgil sighed.

"It's fine." He said, looking up at Janus and Remus and smiling slightly.

"Why d'you have all that black shit under your eyes?" Remus asked, earning a disapproving look from his boyfriend. Virgil sighed again.

"Daniel said that it looked like it was my style and," Virgil hung his head, "I'm scared to disappoint him."

"Why do you think he would be disappointed in you?"

"Well, he's always hinting at something. I'm not sure what but it's something negative." Virgil sighed again before checking his watch. "Oh shit!"

"What is it?"

"I need to meet Daniel in five minutes by the Forbidden Forest. See ya." Virgil said before speeding away.

Remus and Janus looked at each other before going after Virgil.


"Daniel? Are you here?" Virgil asked, poking a tuft of grass with his toe. Virgil shivered, his fight or flight reflexes were kicking in.

"Hi Virgil."

Virgil jumped but before he could do anything, he was pushed into the Forbidden Forest. He turned around to face Daniel.

"Daniel? What's all this? It isn't funny." Virgil said nervously.

"It's okay, Virgil. Just keep walking." Daniel said, seemingly kindly but Virgil noted a threatening edge to his voice. Terrified, Virgil stumbled deeper into the Forest.

Suddenly, he was punched from behind and thrown to the ground. Laughter filled his ears and he looked around and saw several guys standing in a group, all laughing at him.

"D-Daniel? What's going on?"

"I'm publicly breaking up with you, you stupid fag." Daniel said, laughing with the widest grin on his face.

Virgil felt tears spring to his eyes. "What?" He breathed, making Daniel and his group laugh even more.

"Did the fag think I actually loved it?" Daniel asked, laughing even harder.

"D-D-Don't you?" Virgil asked, tears leaking down his cheeks.

"N-N-N-No." Daniel mocked Virgil's stutter, laughing all the while.

"L-L-Leave me alone." Virgil stuttered, getting up.

Suddenly, Daniel grabbed Virgil's hair and pulled his head back, making Virgil wince. "No. I don't think I will, faggot." He said before shoving Virgil to the ground again and spitting at him. "You disgust me, Virgil. You and your kind. Why can't you just be normal?" He asked, laughing.

Virgil's world started spinning and all he could hear was the laughter of Daniel and his group. Stumbling, he stood up and ran away, pushing Daniel out of the way.

Virgil just kept running, not knowing or caring where he was going. He burst out of the Forbidden Forest and collapsed on the ground, hyperventilating. The panic hit him hard and fast as Daniel's laughter filled his ears once more. He heard footsteps and curled up in a ball to shield himself. His name was called and he felt someone gently touch his arm but he inched away.

"Virgil, Virgil listen."

Virgil shook his head and scratched at his wrists.

"Virgil, please name me five things you can see."

Virgil shook his head again and Logan repeated the command. Virgil took a shaky breath. "G-G-Grass, t-t-trees, L-L-L-Logan, P-P-P-Patton and R-Roman."

"Good. Now, four things that you can hear."

"L-L-L-Laughter, s-s-s-shouts, l-l-l-leaves, m-music."

"Thank you. Now, three things you can feel."

"R-R-Robes, g-g-grass, h-hair."

"You're doing brilliant. Now, two things you can smell."

"G-Ground, t-trees."

"You're doing so well. Now, one thing you can taste."

"C-Chocolate Frog." Virgil took another deep breath and sat up, wiping his tear-stained face.

"You did so well, Virgil. If it's alright with you, would you mind telling us what happened?"

Virgil took a shaky breath and shook his head. Patton sat down next to Virgil and pulled him into a hug. Virgil leaned against him and cried. "I-I'm so sorry. I should've listened to you." Suddenly, Virgil's head shot up. "Where's Janus and Remus? They warned me about this! They warned me and I didn't listen."

"Virgil! Virgil!" Remus yelled, coming around the side of the Forbidden Forest with Janus not far behind. "Virgil, thank God you're okay."

"We saw Daniel push you into the Forbidden Forest and then we heard laughter."

"What happened?"

Janus and Remus looked at each other and Remus slipped his wand inside his robes. "Let's just say that Daniel isn't going to come out of the Hospital Wing looking as pretty as he did this morning."

This made Virgil laugh slightly as he wiped his tears (and most of his make-up) off of his face. "I'm sorry. I should've listened to you guys."

"Virgil, it's alright." Roman said, squatting down next to Virgil. "If I were in your place, I wouldn't have listened either."

Virgil smiled slightly and detached himself from Patton. "Thanks guys." Was all he managed to say before he was enveloped in a group hug.


Hi. I feel so, so bad for writing some homophobic language here, I'm sorry. It's a lot harder than I would've thought to write a word. Also, sorry this chapter is short, I'm running out of ideas. Help.

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