Jonah Clemence #1

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Word count: 1180 words
Genre: Fluff
Jonah is a bit OOC in some parts, sorry 😅

It was a rainy evening, and Jonah found himself sitting on the couch with (Name) resting her head on his lap. The sounds of the rain outside caused the atmosphere to be relaxed and very homey. On the table in front of the sat two cups of hot chocolate.

Jonah told (Name) stories about his childhood with Luka. "And then I found about 20 four leaf clovers only because he wanted one. And in less than a day!" Jonah said proudly.

(Name) giggled. "You're a very nice older brother. But why don't you act like that to the army?"

"...If they asked..." Jonah pouted and blushed.

(Name) sighed, and Jonah started running his fingers through her hair. "Do you have any other stories? You're too good of a storyteller."

"Oh, I have many more stories to tell. So, one day, a couple of children from noble families started bullying Luka. I don't know why he did that, everyone knew that we were the Queen of Hearts' children."

(Name) nodded to show interest.

"Luka returned home and looked down. I asked him what happened, and that's what he told me. Oh, he was so cute when he was younger..." Jonah trailed off, forgetting about the story. "Oh, sorry. Where was I?"

It was then that he noticed (Name) staring at him from her place in his lap.

"...Is everything okay?" He waited for a few moments, only to receive silence in return. "(Name)?"

(Name) shook her head and lifted herself from his lap. "What?" She asked, confused.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Of course. You were talking about Luka's cuteness. You can continue." She laid her head down once again.

Jonah shrugged and continued with his story, occasionally sipping on his hot chocolate.

He talked and talked, but (Name) looked up at him with sparkling eyes.

Jonah noticed her gaze, naturally. Nothing gets past him. But he wanted to see how much longer will her staring continue for.

"To tell the truth, after I became Queen of Hearts, Luka became less tense around me. Before, he couldn't stand my presence, but now he even worries for me. I wonder what changed..." Jonah wondered out loud.

"Mmhm." (Name) only made a sound of agreement, not actually saying anything. Jonah smirked.



"You're staring."

"No I'm not." (Name) protested.

"What did I say just now, then?"

"Umm.. Something about Luka."

Jonah smiled in response. "What did I say about Luka?"

"That... You love him?"

"Close enough," Jonah chuckled, taking a sip out of his mug.

"Okay, so continue." (Name) demanded.

"Alright, but don't stare at me," Jonah smiled.

"I didn't stare at you," (Name) sat up and crossed her arms.

"Why did you sit up? You were warming my legs up," Jonah teased uncharacteristically.

"Because I wasn't staring and you can't admit it!"

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