Lancelot Kingsley #4

162 7 4

Word count: 943
Genre: Mostly angst, fluff at the end
Request from Mui_Mochi
Mentions of abuse and self loathing

You spent almost all of your life hiding behind a mask of normalcy. You pushed down your cravings every time they flared up, you put on a fake smile even though you were in pain.

All of this because of one fact: you were a despicable ghoul. Most of your life in England you spent being berated, abused, looked down upon. So you moved to London, where no one knew of your being a ghoul, to start anew.

You had succeeded, for the most part. When you needed to eat, you ate raw animal meat, promising yourself to never taste human meat again.

And then came that fateful day. The day you arrived in Cradle.

Since then, you were kidnapped into the Red Army, confronted Amon, and started a relationship with the King of Hearts, Lancelot Kingsley.

Since then, you have been dreading the day that will inevitably arrive; having to tell Lancelot your secret. You once considered not even telling him, but after some thought realized that it was unfair to him. No one deserved to be kept in the dark.

And it was hard, keeping up the secret. You had to feed somewhere in the Forbidden Forest, so that no one would find you. You had to keep faking your smile, to show that everything is alright, when in fact you were disgusted with yourself.

Unbeknownst to you, a certain King of Hearts noticed after a time. He noticed your downcast expressions when you thought no one was looking; after a time, he noticed that your smile doesn't reach your eyes.

Even as he noticed that, he told himself to let you take your time. You would come to him on your own accord. The last thing he wanted was to accidently scare you somehow.

And after some time, you finally wanted to tell Lancelot everything. You couldn't continue putting up a facade. Collecting all of your thoughts and feelings, you felt ready to tell him, albeit a bit nervous.

This is a lifelong secret, and you were still a bit hesitant to share it with Lancelot, even though he is your lover.

Despite your fears and doubts, you still wanted to tell him. You needed to tell him. You walked from your room to his office, feeling ready and scared at the same time.

"Um... Lancelot?" You poked out head from behind the door to his office.

Looking up from his paperwork, he nodded, "Come in,"

Entering and closing the door behind you, you stood nervously at the entrance, waiting for him to say something.

Looking at you, he raised his eyebrow. "Why are you standing there? Come, sit. I don't bite," he said, half teasing half serious.

Nodding once, you moved to sit on the chair in front of his desk. You were fidgeting with your hands, something he didn't miss.

"What's wrong?" he asked gently.

"Well, you see..." you couldn't find it in yourself to start talking.

Lancelot waited patiently for you to start talking. He was curious, but also worried. Has something happened?

Inhaling deeply, you began talking. "I have a secret that I have kept for a long time now. I... I'm not human." You looked into his wide eyes. Not giving him a chance to answer, you continued: "I'm a ghoul. We are supposed to eat humans, but I promised myself to never do that, so I feed on raw animals. I also have wings, but they're weak from disuse. I can fight, but I'm weak from not feeding on humans."

After that onslaught of information, you gave him a moment to collect his thoughts. He looked lost and confused, but the first thing he asked was: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

You sighed lightly. Despite knowing that he would ask this, you still had a hard time answering. "I... I was abused and looked down upon for being a ghoul, so I don't tell anyone what I really am. They called me a monster, a beast, for being what I am."

You were hungry. You wanted to eat. You couldn't control yourself.

"Human meat..." you heard yourself say. The human smell was overwhelming your senses, and you were hungry. So very hungry.

You advanced towards the source of the smell, not thinking about anything else. You moved like you were possessed, ignoring everything except the source of the smell.

"Stop!" you heard someone shout, but they sounded very far away. "Stop, (Name)!" the same voice called again, this time sounding closer.

You finally grasped the source of the smell, holding it in your hand. Suddenly the thing jerked, hitting you. "I said stop!"

You came to, scared and confused. You saw your best friend standing next to you, a scared expression on their face.

In a flash, you realised what you had done.

You shook your head, the memory dispersing.

Anger flashed through Lancelot's blue eyes. "...Humans from the Land of Reason said that?" his eyes narrowed, he looked dangerous and frightening.

"It's okay! I'm okay now, right? Don't be angry-"

Lancelot sighed. "I'm not angry at you. Don't worry. I just... I'm sorry that happened to you. And, I don't mind that you aren't human. That doesn't change my feelings about you."

You started tearing up, so you stood up and circled the table, standing in front of Lancelot's seated form. You leaned down to hug him, your tears falling onto his military coat. His arms settled on your waist, pulling you closer to him, until you were seated in his lap.

You never felt more free and relieved in your life.

Han__Dayeon__ thanks for the help
GalilStories thanks for the entertainment

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