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In the distant lands of the far north, where life was impossible ... was a mountain of black rock, larger than all the others ... at the top of this mountain, was a huge throne made entirely of ice, caressed endlessly by the powerful polar winds ... seated on this throne, was a humanoid form, imposing and wearing an intimidating and complete armor, as well as a terrifying and horned helmet covering his face. In one of his hands, he was holding a monstrous sword, adorned with a sort of horned skull and carrying kind of runes on the blade ...

"My son... the day you were born, the very forest of Lordaeron whispered a name... Arthas..."

Suddenly, the ice covering the humanoid form slowly began to crack, while the eyes of the thing seemed to open, shining with a supernatural blue glow ...



In the castle and the city of Arendelle bathed in the night, the glow of the aurora borealis coming to reflect on the surface of the water of the fjord, all were asleep and the total silence reigned.

In a medium-sized and richly decorated room, there were two four-poster beds. In one of them, an eight-year-old girl with blond silver hair was lying, dressed in a blue dressing gown. The girl slept peacefully, warm under her blanket.

_ "Elsa ....... Elsa, pssssst ...." suddenly whispered a small discreet voice into the room. Another little girl, younger and red-haired, wearing a green dressing gown, appeared next to the bed. Seeing that Elsa did not react, she climbed onto the bed and shook her by the shoulders.

_ "Elsa, wake up, wake up ...."

_ "Anna .... go back to sleep ...." Elsa moaned, still half asleep and gently moving her little sister's hands away from her.

_ "I just can't." Anna sighed, letting herself fall on her sister and staring at the ceiling, "the sky is awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play!"

_ "Go play by yourself." Elsa answered a little annoyed and pushed her little sister out of bed. Anna stay sat on the floor, showing a frustrated face, and after a few seconds of thought, she seemed to find a good idea by the face and the smile she showed. Riding again on her older sister's bed, Anna opened Elsa's eye forcefully with her hand.

_ "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Anna asked with a little teasing voice. At this question, Elsa opened her eyes and showed also a smile.

The two sisters opened the door of their room with the utmost discretion, and both took a look in the big and dark corridor of the castle, completely deserted. Only the wind outside could be heard, rubbing against the windows. Anna took the first step out of the room, discreetly, followed by Elsa, who sometimes looked behind her.

_ "We must not be caught if we don't want to be eaten." Anna warned, whispering.

_"What are you talking about?" Elsa asked, staring at her, eyebrow raised.

_ "The terrifying lich king...." Anna answered, with some childish fear in her eyes "... you know that all the disobedient children are taken to the lich king who lives in the mountains, to be eaten ..."

Elsa chuckled slightly, putting her hand in front of her mouth.

_ "Anna ..." Elsa whispered, teasing her little sister to reassure her "...the lich king is just a legend, he never existed ... the parents use this story to keep the kids obedient. Papa told me so."

_"Oh...." Anna answered, seeming to understand. It is true that the King and Queen, their parents, did not really like the idea of using this horrifying local legend to scare the children and force them to stay wiser. Although she seemed more confident than Anna on the subject, Elsa still remembered some very frightening nightmares that she sometimes made about this monster .... she was still in this same gloomy forest, with black trees extending ad infinitum, an ashen snow covering the ground, and these blue-eyed humanoid creatures, standing between the trunks and getting closer and closer to her ... She, small and helpless, crying and running to escape them, and falling face to face with this blue-eyed shadow, with an armor looking like a steel skeleton, and whose helmet shaped like a skull, is covered with horns forming almost a crown on his head ... The thing then stretched out his cold hand to Elsa to seize her, and each time, she woke up at that moment, sometimes crying and alerting her parents in the middle of the night.

Frozen: Wrath of the Lich King (Elsa / Arthas - Frozen / World of Warcraft)Where stories live. Discover now