Chapter 6 - Frozen Lords

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Elsa painfully opened her eyes and moaned softly as she woke up from her sleep ... with everything she had been through, she didn't think she could sleep, and although she had only slept a few hours, she did. had done ... still dressed in her ceremonial dress, she rose in silence from the bed that was granted to her for the night, in this dismal room located at the top of this tower ... Elsa walked towards the small mirror halfway broken hanging on a wall, and stared there at her reflection distorted by the cracks in the glass ... she wanted to look away, feeling almost ashamed to see herself as the monster she thought she was ...

She didn't know what time it might be, but today she would have to give her answer to the Lich King. She had thought for a long time during the night before falling asleep. She hadn't really decided what to do yet.

Surprised not to see her host coming to pick her up, Elsa decided to risk going out. Opening the wooden door which creaked loudly, the young woman was puzzled not to see any guard posted in front of her bedroom door. The Lich King was telling the truth, she could have left when she wanted without him holding her back. Why giving her so much freedom?

While asking herself these unanswered questions, Elsa descended the stairs of the tower and ended up exiting into the main courtyard of this monstrous fortress of ice. Although it was supposed to be morning, night still reigned. Like yesterday, the sky was still covered with this sea of black clouds which seemed not to move.

Elsa jumped in surprise and fear at the sight of a few of those blue eyed undead warriors patrolling the yard, and giving her curious glances. Obviously, she couldn't get used to their monstrous appearance. But luckily, they seemed to have been ordered not to hurt her and let her go where she sees fit.

An armored undead holding a frosted sword in its hand stepped up to her, making her take a step back, intimidated. The monster remained silent and his rotten, frozen finger pointed in the direction leading out of the fortress. Guessing that he wanted her to head that way, Elsa decided not to challenge these creatures and began to walk without abrupt movements. As she walked out of the fortress, she would occasionally glance behind him, as if to make sure none of those monsters were attacking her from behind.

Now outside the fortress walls, Elsa could choose to run away as far as possible, but oddly, she didn't want to. She continued to walk in the direction the guard had indicated to her.

After several minutes of walking on the huge frozen lake stretching in front of the fortress, Elsa then saw the imposing and solitary form of the Lich King. Still locked in his intimidating armor, his head covered with his helmet, his black cape floatting in the wind, he seemed to be waiting, gazing up to the sky and letting a few snowflakes fall into the palm of his hand. Standing a hundred yards from him, Elsa paused a moment to observe him. She felt her heart beat, both with fear, but also ... without knowing why, she was afraid of him, but also saw in him a certain majesty, an imposing and fascinating force. Elsa couldn't describe how she felt.

_ "I hope you slept well ..." said the dark voice of the Lich King then. Elsa was surprised to see that he had noticed her presence when he wasn't even looking at her.

_ "I ... um ... I ... thank you for ... your hospitality ..." replied the young queen a little embarrassed while approaching him, but preferring to keep a certain distance between them. The Lich King didn't respond back, except a sound of deep breathing.

Dropping the snowflakes he held in his palm, the monstrous king turned to Elsa, resting his inhuman blue eyes on her. Immediately Elsa felt that dark aura again crush her and seemed to probe her soul.

_ "Have you thought about my proposal? What is your choice?" the Lich King asked calmly. Elsa didn't know what to say immediately. She hesitated, and also feared the king's reaction to a possible refusal. But on the other hand, she wanted so badly to be able to understand what was happening to her. Why did she have such power?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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Frozen: Wrath of the Lich King (Elsa / Arthas - Frozen / World of Warcraft)Where stories live. Discover now