Chapter 2 - Ice and Fear

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The hour of the ceremony had finally come. The highest dignitaries of the kingdoms invited had been gathered, sitting in perfect rows on the benches in the great chapel of Arendelle and its majestic windows. Although having kept some vestiges of the age of the old gods within their walls, Arendelle had been converted for several centuries to the religion of the unique god and his church.

Under the religious chants of the choir, all waited in utter silence, while Elsa stood upright in front of the sacred altar, and preparing to face her destiny. On the side, stood Anna, who glanced, saw Hans sitting among the other lords, the latter making a small wave of the hand, she returned him discreetly.

Elsa bowed while, standing in front of her, the high priest of the chapel placed the queen's golden diadem on her head, thus styling her as a sovereign symbol. Elsa lifted her head, without a smile, and saw the priest take in his hands the cushion on which were placed the sacred artifacts, the sphere and the scepter, which she should hold a few moments in front of all in order to complete her ascension to power. Elsa got ready to take them, but a small throar clearing from the priest made her stop.

_ "Your majesty .... the gloves ...." warns the priest as low as possible. Elsa's heart jumped, but she hid her worry as much as possible. It was what she did fear above all. But all eyes were on her, she had to obey the tradition. Taking a deep breath, she withdrew her gloves, her hands slightly trembling, and gently took the sphere and the scepter, then turned to the congregation who all rose respectfully, while the priest pronounced the sacred verses, proclaiming the young Princess Elsa, new queen and protector of Arendelle.

While holding the artifacts in her hands, Elsa almost held her breath, emptying her mind and trying to maintain her stress in her. Unfortunately, the visions of the Lordaeron tree did not stop haunting her, especially the monstrous eyes of this scary ice horned king who stared at her, as if piercing her soul ... At that moment, she had felt a much greater and deeper fear, as well as a very dark magic, much more powerful and ancient than hers.... but how could he have seen her without her being physically present to him? Or was it just a nightmare that looked more than real?

All these unanswered questions only accentuated the fear of Elsa, who saw of the corner of her eye, a very thin layer of ice starting to rise from her palms. Once the verses were spoken, Elsa hastened to put off the objects and put her gloves on, without anyone noticing the ice, although Benjen, at bottom, being an experienced ranger, had observed the strange nervousness of the young queen, and seemed perplexed. Now proclaimed queen, Elsa saw the whole assembly bow before her, including her little sister Anna.


That evening, a big party was held in the great throne room, decorated in honor of the new queen. The music played by the small orchestra played melodically, while several elegantly dressed men and ladies danced in a circle in the space provided for this purpose, in the middle of the hall, to the applause of the crowd. Then the music was silent as the servant Kai came to the sight of all.

_ "Queen Elsa of Arendelle." he announced in a high and clear voice, while Elsa, in her queen's robe and wearing the diadem, was advancing straight, just in front of the throne. The whole assembly bowed as it should.

_ "Princess Anna of Arendelle." Kai announced next. Anna then ran in her prom dress and stood to one side, some distance from her sister. Kai insisted, however, and placed her next to the queen. "Oh, here?" Anna asked, a little surprised "Are you sure?" Cause I don't think .... "

She did not have time to finish her sentence that she was placed next to her sister, while the crowd applauded them both, before the music resumed and people continue their various discussions while sipping the delicious beverages made available by the servants. Anna, a little embarrassed, not knowing what to do, stood next to Elsa, who also a little embarrassed, turned her eyes to her little sister.

Frozen: Wrath of the Lich King (Elsa / Arthas - Frozen / World of Warcraft)Where stories live. Discover now