Chapter One: The Gift of Eden

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As the clock finally struck midnight, the children, one by one, snuck out of their beds, carrying containers of oil from the kitchen under their shirts, sneaking over to their predetermined positions, and dousing the orphanage in oil.

Auria Fulbar opened her window and carefully leaped out, landing softly on the ground as the children poured the last of the oil onto the front door and ran out. Auria inhaled deeply and drew a transmutation circle into the dirt with a stick then falling to her knees and placing two hands on the circle, creating a large flame that began to lick at the oil, then began to grow and combust! It quickly engulfed the orphanage, burning all of the 'caretakers' that slept inside, their inhuman screeching was heard for miles. Their silhouettes seemed to escape from the roof and glare down at the group of children before disappearing into the night.

Auria jolted upright, the train had come to an abrupt halt. She wiped the sweat off of her brow, the nightmares she was having recently started to increase in frequency and in intensity.

Auria shook off the odd feeling that had overtaken her for that moment, grabbed her trunk, and exited the train. It was her first time in Eden, so she might as well make the best of it.

As Auria stepped off the train, she rolled her shoulders back, cracking the bones in her back. She let out a small groan before continuing onward.

Auria smiled brightly as she thought of all the pretty ladies she might find in Eden, there was bound to be some absolutely stunning beauties here!

Auria shook her head, she had to focus, she didn't come for pretty ladies, as much as she wanted to seek them out, she just couldn't! Not now! Well... Maybe she can take a slight detour... Maybe.

"Ugh... Always with those intrusive thoughts, I can't get distracted, I just got this new lead, I can't let it go now!" Auria exclaimed before forcing herself to carry her trunk away from the station.

Finally entering the city, she was taken aback at how... Overrated it was. The city wasn't even that pretty, much less a hub of anything really. She wasn't even sure if she got the right city, if it was really even Eden or not.

Regardless, Auria trudged onward, she had to meet up with the Grenadier, after all! He was expecting her, so she couldn't let him wait too long.

Humming along, Auria skipped along the street, her heavy trunk swishing and swaying along with her, it didn't really even seem heavy for Auria. She skipped away for a few moments before she was pulled to the side into a building.

"Woah woah woah!" Auria exclaimed, "What're you doing!"

A rather thin and pale man came into her field of view, she squinted for a moment before donning a bright smile, "Oh, it's you Grenadier Senwell! I'll admit, you had me scared there for a minute!"

Senwell smirked, "It's been a while, Crane, you've got some nerve making us wait that long,"

"Pssht, you love me," Auria teased, "Well... Anyway, who are your friends? They seem pretty important, more important than you, at least," Auria snickered.

Senwell sighed before clearing his throat and speaking, "These are some of my colleagues, Sergeant Nicosia and Lieutenant Ross... Sergeant, Lieutenant, this is Auria Crane, the 'Godless Alchemist',"

"Pleased to meetcha!" Auria exclaimed as she reached out to shake their hands, "Auria Crane, here to help... Well, when I say help... Eh, I'm sure it'll be fine,"

The Sergeant and Lieutenant didn't shake Auria's hand, instead opting to salute to her, as though she were superior to them.

"Ehhh... What? What's that, that thing they're doing? It's making me uncomfortable," Auria asked Senwell.

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