Chapter Six Part One: The Reunion That's Fifteen Years Overdue!

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"Come on, you sad sad lumps, it's right there, we can see it, we'll rest when we get there," Ross commanded, "So don't fall behind now!"

"Ugh, I can feel my lungs trying to kill me," Auria groaned, "And I think I just peed a little,"

"Walk it off, Crane," Ross replied, "You can get a change of clothes up at the temple, now keep moving,"

Auria groaned but said nothing more and just continued trudging forward. She shifted her feet around but definitely wasn't enthusiastic about it.

"Come on Crane, your dad'll be up there, that's what we came here for, right?" Senwell nudged, "Put your chin up a bit,"

It took a long while, but Auria finally mustered up the energy to keep up with everyone else. The Temple was getting so close! She could smell it!

Upon reaching the Temple, Auria tapped her staff twice on the ground and created a light at the tip of the staff, illuminating the area.

Auria and the gang moved onwards, using the little light they were given to navigate the Temple. Quite a scary scene, if you were scared of the dark.

Eventually, they all came upon a small campfire, it cackled at every movement it made and seemed to lick at an invisible figure that loomed above it.

Auria, against the judgment of her instincts and her peers, walked towards the fire, and upon getting closer, she saw him! His red ponytail and his shaven yet scruffy beard were quite prevalent and his strong jawline was sharp enough to cut diamonds and he was even a bit darker than Auria was. She knew exactly who he was!

Auria dropped her trunk and staff and ran to him, tackle hugging him, "Dad dad dad," Auria sputtered, "I missed you so much! Don't leave my side ever again!"

Edward had fallen on his back and held Auria tightly in his arms, "Hey there, stinkbutt, how're you doing?"

Auria looked to him, teary-eyed and sniffling, but said nothing more, she just cried into his chest for a while longer.

Auria laid asleep in Edward's lap, she had cried herself to sleep. The gang had grouped up around the fire and did their best to break the silence, which was quite difficult with a stranger and a superior sitting around.

"So..." Ross started, "Major General, Mister Fulbar, what brought you two out so far from Central?"

"Just Edward is fine," Edward responded, "I was in Eden what was it... Two weeks ago? Yes, two weeks ago, I came here to find an artifact, though found no luck here, I bumped into the Major General a couple towns from Eden, and she came with me,"

"Well, why'd the Major General follow you?" Ross asked.

"Thought I recognized him, started up a conversation and recognized his name, the father of Auria, so naturally I had to hunt him down," Rockwell said.

Auria had nuzzled up quite close to her father, she was surprisingly attached to him, despite having only really met him just now. It just felt right to her.

"What now?" Nicosia blurted out, "Like... What's our next objective, where do we go from here?"

"Ah well... I have some business to attend to, I can't go along with you all," Edward said, "Too dangerous,"

"But... Crane has been looking for you for so long, and you'll just leave her again? That doesn't sound..." Ross started, but she eventually trailed off.

"It isn't that I don't want to bring her anywhere... It's just too dangerous, and she's still just a child," Edward responded, stroking Auria's hair, "A beautiful blue, just like her mother,"

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