Chapter Seven Part One: The Family Trip to the Lameanr Military Academy!

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"General Raeder does it again! Completely wiping out three bandit camps just outside of Eden! More on this after this short break!" The radio cried out.

"Jeez, I'm so tired hearing about Raeder, met him before and I gotta say, he didn't do it for me," Auria complained.

"You do know we have to go meet with him, right?" Ross commented.

"Ha? Why's that?" Auria groaned, "He's such a buzzkill... 'Why do you still do all that Alchemy crap' or something like that, he's just gonna lecture me,"

"Well, to be fair, us four do answer to him, even if not directly," Rockwell replied, "Oh, but he's so amazing! Have you seen the things he's done?"

"Yeah yeah, bandit camps, fought in the war, stuff like that, I know it all already, you don't have to bring it up again," Auria said.

"I hear he's up at the Lameanr Military Academy currently," Senwell said, "We could probably find him there,"

"Then it's settled!" Rockwell exclaimed, "It's time to set off to the Lameanr Academy!"

"But my waffles..." Auria grumbled.

"You can finish your waffles while we walk! Let's get a move-on!" Rockwell said as she grabbed Auria and marched off.

The group stood outside of the pearly gates of the Lameanr Military Academy. A beautiful sight to behold, but Auria was too angry about not being able to finish her waffles to really care.

"Auria, how about you run around and have a bit of fun while we go have our meeting?" Rockwell suggested.

"Fine, I guess I can humor the idea," Auria replied, "Besides, it'll be a bit of fun to mess around with the people here,"

Auria, wasting no time at all, rushed into the building, completely ignoring everyone else back at the entrance.

Upon entering the building, she was greeted with a fork in the road, so to speak, but that wasn't what was important to her, in the center sat an enormous garden!

"Well, I'm somewhat of a nature lover myself," Auria remarked before she rushed to the door to the garden, opened it, and found herself rather immersed in the atmosphere.

The garden had so many students and faculty roaming about, some looked like lovers, some looked like a big group of friends, and others were just loners who liked flowers. It was easy to tell which person belonged to which group, just look at how they interact with people around them, and if there are any people around them at all. Most importantly though, was their eyes. How their eyes look at the flowers, how they react to seeing other people, that sort of thing.

Just as Auria was about to pick a flower from the garden, the bell rang! And ring it did, it felt like it was going to shatter Auria's eardrums, seriously, who makes a bell that loud?

The students all filed out of the garden, though one snagged Auria's collar and dragged her off.

"Hey, what're you-" Auria exclaimed.

"We gotta go to class, I know you first-years like to slack off and skip classes, but school is important!" The man said.

"I don't go to... What?"

"Hey hey, it's alright, I'll take you to class, just get marked present and I don't care what happens after that," The man explained, "Oh, I haven't introduced myself, that was a bit rude of me... I'm Claude Riesen, Representative of Class C..."

"Auria Crane..." Auria replied, crossing her arms as Claude quite literally dragged her off.

"Since you're a first-year... Hmm... I'm willing to bet you're in Class G, they're the ones with all the first-years,"

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