Chapter Two: An Alchemists Opinions Don't Quite Matter

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Seren poured Auria a cup of tea while trying to keep herself from busting a lung from her laughter, she spilled some tea on the table as she did this.

"So basically, what you're saying is, you need my help to find your father?" Seren asked, "In all my years, not that that's an accomplishment, I never thought the Godless Alchemist would come to find me! Oh, what a dream come true!"

While Seren made small jabs at Auria, Auria gritted her teeth but waited her turn to speak, she'd have her chance at snapping back after she had what she needed. It did no good to lose her temper here.

"Anyway," Auria said, pushing her previous anger deep within herself, "Can you help me, please? I'm a bit outta options now,"

Seren gave a condescending sneer, "Sure, sure, come now, give me your hands," She said as she then took a seat across from Auria.

Auria complied, taking hold of Seren's hands and stared her down, much like a wolf stares down a rabbit, though for some reason the roles felt reversed to Auria. The two sat in silence for an uncomfortable amount of time, staring at each other, saying no words. Seren's eyebrows furrowed, then giving Auria an inquisitive stare.

"What's that look for?" Auria asked.

"Your father is a redhead, just thought that was interesting, considering your... Current hair color..." Seren said, "If you two mixed your hair in a bowl, it'd make purple,"

Auria groaned, "Do you at least know where he is? Anything besides his hair color?"

Seren gave a mischievous grin, "Oh, there's lots to tell here if you're willing to listen... Oho, this'll be fun,"

Auria stormed out of the shack that Seren operated out of, then meeting up with the Grenadier and the others, "I got all I needed out of her, we're done here," Auria remarked.

"You feeling alright? Want to take a rest, there's a bench just over there, we can sit and rest there!" Senwell said.

Auria just held her hand up in his direction. She didn't want to sit, she had been sitting for what felt like hours already, she was tired of it. Her knees were too sore for all that.

"Did you not get the information you needed? We can keep trying to look for clues, anything at all, we'll do it!" Senwell commented.

"Oho no, it's not that, I got all the information I need, we're taking the next train to the Temple of the Titans,"

Typically on train rides, Auria would be too tired to keep herself awake, but this was a bit different, it was the closest she had ever been to finding her father, so she couldn't just sit still, she was so excited! She wondered what he would be like, would he be a cool and suave guy? Maybe a strict yet gentle guy, someone who only wants the best for people but doesn't know how to verbalize it. She didn't know, but she was so excited to finally find out.

"So," Nicosia started, "What kind of person is your father? Why are you trying to find him now?"

Auria just gave Nicosia a smile before she spoke, "Oh, I don't actually know, that's why I'm trying to find him, I mean, if you've never even met your father, wouldn't you want to at least see what he's like?"

Nicosia didn't really know how to respond, so he just kept quiet, though nobody seemed to really care.

"So, Grenadier!" Auria exclaimed, "What's new with you? You got a girlfriend yet? I remember when I was an Apprentice, you would always come whining to me that you didn't have a girlfriend yet and how you were soooooo lonely!"

Senwell's face turned as red as a strawberry that has been stomped on fifty times and then pelted with tomatoes™.

"I've told you, be quiet about that..." Senwell groaned.

"Ahaha!" Auria let out a laugh, "So, even the great Grenadier Senwell can get embarrassed, good to know, I'll keep it in mind, for future reference, of course,"

"Oh, Miss Crane, I have another question," Nicosia interjected.

"Ah sure, go ahead, I'm open to any questions, just keep 'em coming, except don't actually, I'm tired and want to sleep, but also I hate sleep, but no, I love sleep, you get me?"

"Uhm... No, sorry, I don't understand," Nicosia responded.

Auria shrugged, "Eh, it's not something everyone can relate to, anyway, what was your question? Unless you already forgot, that'd be pretty anticlimactic actually,"

"Uhm, actually, nevermind, I'm sorry to have bothered you, Ma'am!" Nicosia sputtered, something had caught his tongue, but again, nobody really cared.

Auria yawned, leaned back in her seat, didn't pay any attention to how her foot was digging into Senwell's side and began to drift off, though she wasn't quite able to because of Senwell's insistence to squirm around and disrupt her slumber.

"Senwell, stay still!" Auria barked, "You're interrupting my sleep, I can't focus on not focusing on anything if you're constantly hitting my foot!"

"Then stop ramming your foot into my stomach!" Senwell retorted, "It hurts like hell!"

"Suck it up, Grenadier, you're big and strong, you can handle it," Auria teased, "I mean, that's what you're trained to do, after all,"

Senwell groaned, "Just go to sleep already, Crane, we don't need to keep a shouting match going on, at least, not now,"

Auria smirked, "Sure, sure, whatever you say, Grenadier, we'll have a fight later, don't pull any punches, go all out,"

And with that, Auria retracted her foot, closed her eyes, and was finally at peace with the world. She was finally able to begin to drift off to sleep, though there was just one problem, she... Wasn't even tired anymore.

"Oh Goddammit," Auria murmured.

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