Chapter 24

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Godt originally didn't like the city. So, when he was going out of the shop, he chooses to walk the opposite way from the city, though he knows people were talking, that the job was easier to have up in the city. He didn't have anything in mind when he left, except for Copter. Everything he did was for Copter, though the impact of his action would seem like the opposite.

But still, no matter what, he hopes for Copter to understand why he had to do this. He didn't care what others would have said, but then he really hopes that Copter would understand why he did what he did, and will always pray for him just like he will always pray for his brother.

He walked the whole day, with only a few bottles of water, and a few sandwiches, he made before heading out. He would stop for a while to take his rest and then he would continue his walk again. When it was about to get dark, he was trying to find someplace besides the road so he could take shelter for sleep that night.

It was a quiet road, not many cars having this road considering it was heading to the outskirt of the city and it was dark already, but Godt was still walking looking for a suitable place to just lay down for sleep. When he was walking and walking, suddenly, he could see some beeping light from afar. Curiously, he walked as fast as he can and he could see once he came closer, that a car that hit the tree beside the road that the front part of the car was bending so much.

He put aside his backpack and was looking inside and he could see unconscious man and woman at the front seat and a kid at the backseat. He was trying to open the door, but it was locked from inside. He turned to the driver's seat and was tapping on the window trying to wake the man up. He turned the passenger seat, doing the same thing, trying to wake the woman up, but none of them had barely conscious.

He looks around for something he could use to break the window, and he could see a rock not far from the location. He took the rock and was trying to hit the window, to break it. But not before making sure the boy inside was far enough from the window he chooses so he wouldn't hurt the boy even more.

He hit the window a few times and the window was starting to crack. However, because of the sharp edges of the rock, his own hands had hurt from it but he didn't think much about it. He hit the window a couple times more before it breaks.

He throws the rock aside and was punching the window and put his hand inside to open the door. Once it open he got in and open the lock on the door at the passenger side and on the door of the boy's side. He then gets out of the car once again and turns around to open the door beside the boy and taking him out, lying him down on the grass ground beside the road.

He then taking the woman out and lay her down beside the boy and lastly, he helps the guy out of the car and lying him down beside the other two. He was about to find some cloth or anything to wipe their blood when he heard a phone ringing.

He was looking for the phone while hearing it a little bit more to guess its location only then he could see a flash of light inside the man's pant. He took it out and answer the phone right away.

"Wutt, where are you? Are you not here yet?" The other just talking right away when the call had been answered, shocking Godt. "Hmmm, sir, the person you called had an accident and all of them are unconscious now. I don't know how to call a hospital and I'm alone, can you please come here and help?"

He heard a gasp from the other side before the guy was talking again. "Do you know how to share your location? I'll be there with an ambulance. What's your name?" the other guy was talking again. "My name is Godt, I'll try looking for the apps. My friend had shown me once, I think I know how to do it."

Godt was looking into the phone some more and try to find the apps Somchai had shown him before. The guy was always eager whenever he had learned new things about what his phone could do, he would brag to him and even show him how it's work. He might felt irritating, but he was glad he did that considering what he had to face right now.

While waiting for the ambulance, he was wiping the blood on their forehead and his own hands using the tissue he had found in the car. After almost half an hour, he could hear the siren of an ambulance and was standing up waiting for them.

There were two ambulances and a car coming together. A middle-aged man was coming out from the car and getting near to the woman and the other person who was lying while screaming at the paramedic to be faster.

While they were taking the two adults into the ambulance, the police car arrived later and a policeman had approached him when he saw them taking the boy in the same ambulance with the woman. When the ambulance was leaving, the car was still there, so were the middle-age man and another man was waiting beside the car.

"Were you the one who saw them?" Godt was nodding his head. "Where are you from and how do you get here?" Godt was swallowing his saliva. "I was walking trying to find a place for myself when I saw the car was already in this state. So I tried to help them."

The policeman was frowning. "Place for what? Are you a backpacker?" Godt was frowning, not really understand the question. "A place to sleep." The policeman was nodding. "You are a bum, then. Where are you heading to?" Godt didn't really like how this policeman was looking at him but he just answered him anyway.

"Where my feet brought me. If there's nothing, I need to continue my walk. I still had a long way ahead. If you'll excuse me." Godt was leaving right away taking his backpack and put it on his shoulder, while the policeman would just smirk, watching him leave, and Godt would just ignore the guy.

Godt was walking past them including the middle-age man. But then, he was stopped on his track when he remembers something and turn to the old man, coming closer to him, giving him waii. "Thank you for coming as fast as you can, or, I didn't know what to do. This is the guy's phone, I forgot to put it back on his pants pocket."

Godt was handing the phone to the old guy and was making his way leaving the old man dumbfounded. The police was still there doing whatever they need for an accident and when he was walking away from the scene, the car he saw before was stopping right beside him, making him stopped his step. The window was dark and when it was down, it revealed the old man from before looking at him straight while smiling.

"Do you need a job?"

End of Chapter 24

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