Chapter 45

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"I have no right to tell you what you can or what you can't do, P. But I hope you wouldn't choose something that makes your life hard. This job wasn't your life, and you will be tired eventually. You should just go back to your own life, instead of being someone you are not."

Tae and Copter currently talking with each other after the shop was closed. Tae had asked Kimmon to give him a chance to talk to Copter, while Bas had finished the job earlier to go dating with Joss. Tae had asked Copter whether Copter would get angry with him for working here.

"Which life are you referring to, Cop? I don't have a life before I met you, that's why I have been spending my time recklessly, doing all the bad things. You are the only life I have, and I want it back. I want to go back to you, to my life, but you had denied me that right. For now. But don't worry, I won't force you, and I will slowly pave my path to you, so you could accept me again in your life."

Tae was making sure he delivered it out loud and clear but it breaks his heart seeing the tear stricken eyes of Copter, trying to hold his sobbing in.

"Then find another life, P'Tae. You don't deserve someone as dirty and broken like me. I will just ruin everything for you. I will cherish whatever we have between us forever, but I can't be with you. Not with you, not with anyone, ever. Please don't make it difficult for me, P'Tae, I'm begging you."

Copter was still sitting in front of Tae, fidgeting with his own fingers, couldn't stop the tears that had falling nonstop. His words pierce Tae's heart, again and again, it was so heartbreaking that he too couldn't contain his tears any longer.

"Why are you saying that, Cop? No matter what, you are my special person in my life. You are not dirty, never. I don't care about what happened, as long as you are saved and sound, and you are here with me, Cop. Please, I'm begging you, don't push me away, I'm not asking to be intimate with you right away. Just casually build our relationship, slowly and in due time, we'll get there, once you are ready. I'll wait, Cop, no matter how long it is. Just please, don't push me away from you, if you insist, you should just kill me, it will be easier."

"P'Tae! What are you saying? Don't you dare casually talking about killing and dying." Copter was sobbing hard hearing the word. He might have pushed the guy out of his life, but he never ever wished for that guy to be dead. He thought he will felt enough if the guy was happy somewhere, and he will be happy too.

Tae then walked closer to Copter's side, kneeling beside his chair, taking his hands in his while looking up to Copter's eyes, "I love you so much Cop, and I know you love me as much as I do. Please, Cop, please, don't push me away from you."

Copter then would look down to Tae and just let the guy holding his hands, while he still couldn't stop the tears, even though the sobbing was getting calmer.

"But, P'Tae, what if you regret this later on? I don't know if I could survive this, P if that was going to happen. I'm not that strong anymore, I'm tired and I'm afraid P." Tae then took his hands and kissed the hands one by one before focused back to Copter.

"I could never know what will happen in the future, Cop. None of us know. But regret? If I don't do anything when you pushed me away, then, that was the real regret I will have my whole life. Regret for having you in my life? No way. The only thing I would regret if I have you in my life is if I don't do things for you. I have dreamt of doing things so much for you, doing so many things with you, just like we did back in the village. If you keep on pushing me away, I will never have a chance to fulfill that dream Cop."

Tae then would take Copter's hand and put it on both of his cheeks, feeling the warmth of Copter's hands on his face. He closes his eyes just to enjoy the warmth he missed so much. When he felt tears falling down on his face, he opened his eyes only to see Copter's watery eyes right in front of him.

He then would stretch his hands up to Copter's face and wipes those tears. "Let's take it slow, okay. I'll be here for you. Don't think about anything else. Just relax, just be how you always be. I missed my grumpy and hard-headed Copter. Okay?"


Coming to work the next day, seeing Tae was smiling happily even in the early morning, greetings him, Bas and Copter with a loud voice, making Kimmon frowning. Getting back home yesterday, Copter wouldn't say anything and even avoiding his own brother and just going back straight to his room, makes Godt worried more.

He had to cuddle the guy the whole night just to assured him that Copter was okay and everything, denied him of his needs, mind him, and here, this guy grinning makes him feel irritated. After all they had to go through because of him. Copter then would just ignore the guy heading straight to the locker room.

Even with that, the grinning on Tae's face wouldn't stop but to just keep watching Copter's steps with his longing feelings and full of love. "So done for, are you?" Kimmon's sarcastic remark makes Tae grinning even wider, if that even possible, while shrugged his shoulder. "At least, I'm not the only one, P'Kim. Look yourself in the mirror."

Tae will just leave tend to his task leaving scowling Kimmon while touching his face. 'Was it that bad?' he just shrugged it off heading to his office while Bas would just shaking his head watching all these morons. 'Whatever.' He then would just take out his phone and checking Joss's message while heading to the locker room.

"Tell me something I don't know, Cop? What happened to that guy, and the aura you both gave out this morning..... I smell something fishy...." Bas was asking while they both, he and Copter were changing. "We both talked last night. I sort of giving us a chance, but I'm still wasn't sure, Bas." Copter was closing the locker's door and leaning on it while waiting for Bas to finished changing and just look ahead, thinking.

Bas then suddenly put his arm across Copter's shoulder making Copter turn to him. "I don't know which right or wrong, Cop. But definitely you are happy today. I don't see any gloomy aura coming from you, and for me, that's a good start. I want to be positive just like you be positive with me, in the restaurant. Remember?"

Copter was looking deep into Bas's eyes while trying to remember things at the restaurant. He was indeed being the positive one when Bas even afraid to hope. Was he felt like Bas had felt back then?

"Let's just go with the flow for now. You will always have me, P'Godt and P'Kim if ever things go wrong. So, please don't be afraid, na." Bas's words had to give him strength and he was glad to hear it. He somehow forgot how much his P'Godt loved him and these two siblings too, they felt like families from the beginning, and it makes him happy just to think about it.

"Though, I doubt it will turn out wrong. I believe in you, and I believe in P'Tae too. You might not realize it, but I saw him at the hospital, Cop. We saw it, even P'Godt would be able to forgive him watching how he treat you at the hospital. All I can say is that we all just want one thing, and that is for you to be happy. Now, you have to make me happy, we need to go, we are late."

To that, Bas would pull smiling Copter out from the locker room, heading straight to the area behind the counter.

End of Chapter 45

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