Chapter 39

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It was already three days, and Copter didn't sleep a wink, didn't talk nor he eats. All he did was sitting on the bed looking ahead to nothing. Tae and Godt never leave his side trying to persuade him to sleep or eating. But none of their efforts were successful. Even the doctor was clueless since she couldn't give a sleeping pill, nor injection to him.

If they were to inject the sleeping medicine from the wired attach to the cannula on his hand, he would just remove it and that would make things worse since he needs the fluids in his body since he couldn't eat nor take other medicine. If he saw the doctor coming with the needle, he would turn aggressive and he would just be throwing the pills given to him to the wall if they tried to feed him the pills.

He did everything just so he didn't sleep. His eye bags turn dark and he gets skinnier. It was lunchtime and Tae was never tired trying to persuade him. "Love, please, you need to eat so you can be okay. Please, Cop. Please."

Copter would just be looking ahead with his blinking eyes, not even giving Tae any response. Godt who was sitting on the other side just watch Copter. He was already clueless and he felt hopeless. He didn't know what else to do to help his baby brother.

When Tae was putting the bowl of porridge on the ward table, Godt was standing up right away. "Cop, come, let's have some bath for you so you could feel fresh." Copter loves taking bath in the toilet instead of letting his brother wipes his body since he would feel refresh.

But then, Tae had stopped Godt making him frown. "Please, P'Godt, let me." Godt was staring Tae, confusing with what he requested. Being in the shower with Copter means you have to help him naked and all, and he didn't think their relationship was that far already.

"Let's talk outside." Godt was talking to him sternly. He still angry with the guy, and he couldn't just cool off whenever he saw that guy's face since he would remember all those nights Copter would have to cry silently to sleep.

"What are you doing?" Godt was asking right away. "Taking Copter for bath, P." Godt was laughing for he thinks this guy just being ridiculous. "Am I stupid? What exactly are you trying to pull, Tae?" Tae was looking straight at Godt.

"I just want him to fight his trauma, P. Please, let me try. Whatever happened, don't do anything, P. I care for Copter as much as you do. I will not lock the door, you can open it, and you can watch it. Please, P. Please, let me." Godt still didn't understand the real reason or purpose of doing this, but Godt himself didn't know what else to do, so he just give this guy a chance.

"I'll give you this one chance only. I'll take over if things got serious, understand?!" Tae was nodding to that.

When they come into the wardroom, Tae was taking Copter to the bathroom and Godt just waiting outside the door. It was a double door bathroom in which the first door attaches to the sink area and the other two-door lead to a toilet and bathroom respectively. So, Godt was standing outside the bathroom and was leaning on the sink, watching Tae and his brother.

He locked the main door bathroom door so that people who came would know they were inside, instead of jumping on them. Once they both were already in the bathroom, Tae was swallowing his saliva. This will be the first for him to see Copter fully naked, though the circumstances were different, he wasn't sure if his manhood would know the difference. 'What are you thinking stupid Tae, focus!'

But still, he has slowly untied the tying on Copter's hospital gown one by one on Copter's back. When he was about to pull down the hospital gown, his finger had touch Copter's shoulder, skin-to-skin, making Copter jump and unexpectedly, he turned around with shock faces, even though his eyes were looking at Tae, Tae could tell it wasn't focused on him.

Tae was trying to come close but Copter was screaming right after making Godt anxious. "Go! Go! Don't Touch me! Go! Don't come near me! Go!" Godt almost running to his brother right away, but then he remembered Tae's request. 'Will it be okay?' He thought, but then, he would just hiding beside the door, trying to hold in his anxiety and his cry.

"Don't touch me! Go! Go! Go!" Tae wouldn't say anything but just coming near to Copter while Copter would just taking his step back until he hit the wall. Seeing Copter in this condition makes it harder for Tae to keep his tears in, but he needs to do this. He had to.

When his back had hit the wall, Copter was still screaming the same words but he couldn't do anything but to close his eyes. Tae was just touching his upper chest just below the neck and Copter was hit his hands. "Don't touch me!"

Tae would do the same, over and over again and Copter would hit his hands again and again. At one point, the anger in Copter had arisen and out of anger, he punched the face of the person in front of him.

"I said don't touch me!" Tae has just received the punch and would do the same right after. Copter would punch him back. Still, Tae was still doing the same, provoking Copter, even more, making Copter punch him over and over, and even when Tae fell down the floor, Copter was straddling him on his waist and punch him again, and Tae would just let the guy beat him.

Godt who was afraid Copter would regret his action, was coming closer to both of them. "Cop! Cop! Cop!!" All he did was calling him and when Copter turns up to him, Copter has stopped his punching in the air while the other hand was still holding Tae's collar.

When he looks down and saw the bruised and bleeding face of his P'Tae, he jumped back, falling on the floor and was dragging himself back to the wall, and was hugging his own feet right after. He was biting his fingernail while keeps on shaking his body, looking down the floor.

Tae was sitting up, wiping his blood that dripped from his side of the mouth and the side of his eyes before coming closer to Copter, sitting in front of him, with his leg was at both sides of Copter. "Cop, love, you did great. I hope you will do exactly what you did just now, whenever they appear before you in your dreams. Hit them, beat them, cursed them all you want. Don't let them did that to you over and over again."

Hearing Tae, Copter was looking up straight at Tae, and pulling Tae into his hugs, hugging him tightly. For the first time ever, after waking up from his unconscious state, Copter was crying out loudly, letting out all his pent up feeling he had until now. Tae was crying silently, and Godt was falling down the floor leaning on the bathroom door, and he was crying too, hearing his brother was crying out loudly.

Godt was the one who finished bathing Copter since Tae couldn't trust himself and his manhood. mind him and his young hormone. He was still an energetic hormone teenager after all. While Copter in his bath, Tae was going to see the doctor to help him treat the wound on his face.

"Let me guess, these all from Copter." The doctor said while treating him. Tae was just silent, didn't give her any answer and she took the silence as a yes. "Things you do for love." She continues. "But still you cannot undo things happened."

The doctor was heaving a sigh at that. "Things that happened to Copter were bad, really bad I must say. But why blaming yourself? As you said, it was something you cannot undo. All you have to think of what to do from now on so that you can still protect him from everything else."

Tae was giving his straight lips smile to the doctor. "The scar will be there, doctor. You know it will never be the same. My Copter would always have that scar in his life. Thank you for this, and for the advice too." Tae was leaving the doctor's room right away, leaving her in wonder.

He would never be able to forgive himself andhis stupidity since it was the reason everything had happened to Copter. Mylovely Copter was badly hurt and humiliated. Every time he thinks about it, his heart clench and it was hard tobreathe. Why would his Copter was the one to be suffered?

End of Chapter 39

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