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LUNA.MAI posted 

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tagged noahjames, adamss, jadeee, daisyedwards

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tagged noahjames, adamss, jadeee, daisyedwards

liked by nickaustin, jamescharles and 4,559,293 others 

luna.mai british culture at its finest 

brycehall you party more than me 

⤷  luna.mai it is because you suck at partying 

⤷  brycehall i am hurt

  joshrichards she isn't wrong bryce

user2 um she is promoting underage drinking and smoking... i don't stan 

⤷  luna.mai you are allowed to drink here at 16 so it is perfectly legal and i'm sorry my anxiety vape causes you distress. 

  jadenhossler you popped off

brycehall dont hurt my little sister!!

⤷ luna.mai you arent my brother bryce but okayyyy

reggiehacker its corona timeeee

ethanj7 too soon

vinniehacker so this explains those text messages

luna.mai dont remind me

nickaustin WHAT DID SHE SAY?

taylerholder she texted you? she didn't text me :(


hater1 she is a bad influence on everyone 

user2 i thought rich people were uptight?

luna.mai i have never fit in with the rich snobby kids, i promise we aren't all like that <3

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