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LUNA.MAI posted

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tagged noahjames, occo 

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tagged noahjames, occo 

liked by occo,charlidamilo and 4,202,853 others

luna.mai if you know me you know occo is my all time fav restaurant here in marbella so obviously we went to celebrate lucas birth :) then hungover but happy we went for a family picnic 

charlidamileo girl you are stunning

avanii you are living my dream!

⤷luna.mai nope you are living mine

noahjames wow i look rough 

luna.mai you did dance on top of the tables 

brycehall this is why i am friends with noah

user24 you are so pretty

⤷luna.mai so are you gorgeous :)

user24 omg ily

 hater29 what is so special about her? it doesn't make sense

⤷ luna.mai idk either doll 

jadeee can you send me occo to england? alex and i miss it

zaramai just come back to marbs we are all missing you guys

jadeee OMW

vinniehacker <<<333

luna.mai <3

teatokroom i'm so happy to see you smile again

user920 i cant believe she has vinnie as a bf

luna.mai he isn't my bf :)

reggiehacker yet

rylandstorms occo sounds foreign 

daisyedwards its because it is dingus 

rylandstorms sorry shawty

lunaevinnie you are adorable

vinniehacker i love this account 

luna.mai you are so cute!!

occo you do spend you whole life here

luna.mai im sorry i love your food richard!

view 1,347,957 other comments 


ps if you ever go to marbella go to occo as its such a nice restaurant :)))

love you all <<33

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