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tagged luna.mai

liked by kyocyr, luna.mai and 6,467,305 others

vinniehacker i may or may not surprised the love of my life with a trip to paris <3

noahjames so thats where you guys disappeared too 

vinniehacker bro you helped me book it

noahjames i thought we were not telling luna that part lmao

blakegray simp

user3 you two are the cutest things ever

daisyedwards so are you going to propose?

vinniehacker let me remind you we are 18...

avani just so you know my grandparents got married at 16 and they are still together at 64 :)

adamss i think you are convincing him more than needed

avani just doing my job

user7 i want a relationship like theres

woodymabbott  you got the dress then

vinniehacker yes! thank you mum got getting in touch with her friend in gucci

woodymabbott she would do anything for luna, she like everyone else adores her. the mai's will forever be an extension of the mabbott family

luna.mai  @woodymabbott say hi to the doggos for me!!!

luna.mai now how will i ever top this?

vinniehacker if you say yes 

nickaustin hold up-

vinniehacker in the future obviously 

cynthiaparker okay what about luna isn't pretty? like what

vinniehacker she is an angel thats why

qgriggss i knowwww i just know that you guys did recreate 365 days

user7 they are freaks 

⤷ luna.mai i-

vinniehacker there are kids here

qgriggss you never said no... 

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