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liked by jadenhossler, rylandstorms and 83,942 others

daisyedwards @luna.mai has dived head first into liking a boy 

jadenhossler who is the one on the right 😍

daisyedwards you know who that is

teatokroom #baewatch ?

luna.mai i cant believe you!!!

teatokroom so u do like vinnie?

adamss 'alex look at him. what isnt wrong with v?'

user3 all lunas friends are exposing her ass rn

luna.mai @user3 i hate them all

reggiehacker dont post this. vinnie is already looking at flight

vinniehacker STFU

brycehall you both need to fix your dives...

daisyedwards sorry bryce but i live in the middle of england. 

brycehall then how are u in the ocean rn?

daisyedwards something called flights bryce...

nickaustin you are dumb bryce

noahjames you trying to hide from me?

⤷ luna.mai yes

user8 dyed her dog again?

noahjames maybe

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