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liked by avanii, rylandstorms and 2,203,950 others

teatokroom SENT IT! it has been rumoured that luna is cheating on vinnie with long time 'friend' noah james 

user392 i'm dead this is hilarious

vinniehacker can you guys stop? luna and i are in love and nothing will get in the way, we already have issues due to people on social media trying to cause issues in our relationship. 

user4 you don't have to prove anything to these people. true fans know that you are in love

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hater5 i knew something was fishy 

reggiehacker  @vinniehacker some people are delusional 

daisyedwards you guys are funny

rylandstorms sweet home Alabama 

teatokroom you play too much

luna.mai noah is my brother-in-law...  since i moved to marbella 7 years ago his family were always there for us and he soon became my best friend. this is ridiculous that some people think that i would cheat on the guy that i love dearly... y'all are ridiculous i swear 

user294 i hate how you have to prove yourself to people

vinniehacker they don't know shit about our relationship. don't worry about them babe

nickastin some people suck

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jadenhossler who sent this in? i wanna talk

⤷  adamss oh no this isnt good...

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brycehall pls stop with these rumours! let the girl live

adamss i want to say before any rumours come out about me and luna i am GAY!!

noahjames i am legit her brother what drugs are you all one?

lunaevinnie luna and vinnie are in love and if you cant see that go to the options!  



tagged britishairlines

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tagged britishairlines

liked by reggiehacker, charlidamelio and 5,935,596 others

vinniehacker 28!

avanii 28 babyyy

noahjames see you soon!

user50 wait he is going to europe?


reggiehacker lets go! 2 long flights ahead :)

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