Chapter 11

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"Oh my god mum get the camera" Said a hushed voice."Shhh don't wake them up you stupid boy" Whispered another voice as faint clicks of a camera could be heard a distance away."You two stop spying on them, its creepy" Another voice muttered."Oh be quiet you we all know that you wanted to see them like this as much as we did"

While the three people whispered and argued the sleeping beauty known as Gaby proceeded to awake from his slumber.When he tried to move about he realized that something was constricting him, begrudgingly Gaby opened his eyes and was surprised to see a beautiful ginger angel before him sleeping peacefully.For a second Gaby was confused but then all the memories from the night before came rushing back causing Gaby to turn a bright red at the realization of what he done last night and for him to scream internally.As Gaby was slowly dying of embarrassment he thought that he would like to see the cute boy in front of him for a bit longer so he deiced that he would just keep quite and enjoy his time in his new boyfriends arms. Well Gaby would have done that but just as he was about to get comfortable again there was a sudden flash and click of a camera."I told you to turn flashed off mum!" Whispered yelled a voice.Hearing this Marcos suddenly woke up and groggily started to asked."W-whats happening?" Both Gaby and Marcos suddenly lifted there heads up to see Gabys whole family at there door with cameras in hand and guilt on their faces seeing as they had been caught."What do you three think your doing?" Asked a very annoyed Gaby who thought he already knew the answer."Ummmm we were just seeing how cute you two are" Said Alex as he began to sidestep his way out of the room quickly followed by his parents, while a very annoyed Gaby yelled at them.

"S-sorry about them, sometimes they don't know there own boundaries" Said Gaby red faced as he suddenly noticed how they were both side by side on the bed incredibly close."Its fine i'm just glad to know that your family approve of me" Said Marcos with a tired smile that still made Gabys heart flutter."Your too sweet" Squeaked Gaby as he flung himself into Marcos's arms  and hugged him tight which made him chuckle.After a bit more time of cuddling Marcos proceeded to ask Gaby. "Do you think we should tell people at school about us?" He asked with Gaby who was still placed firmly in his arms."Maybe we wait a bit more time before we tell everyone" Said Gaby."Just so we can get used to this" He carried on."Yeah I can wait a bit longer, as long as I'm with you I'll be fine". Said Marcos as he lifted Gaby on to his lap and gave him a quick but sweet kiss on the lips which once again made Gaby squeak in embarrassment and cuddle into Marcos. 

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