2- Friends & "Friends"

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I turn around to see Kayla holding my arm with one hand and my books she got out of my locker in the other.

"Let him go, he's not worth it, are you ok?"

Taking my books and making my way to my first class of the day avoiding eye contact with all the kids staring at me. Caleb very relevant at my school so I'm just known as his annoyingly opinionated, Northside girlfriend. When I first came here I didn't want to make new friends and replace my other ones, I quickly worked out that I could never replace them and moving on to make more friends was the best thing to do and they did the same. I met Kalya on my first day here but pushed her away because I was scared of how friendly and kind she was. She didn't give up though, every day she would ask me to sit with her and Caleb and I eventually gave in. That's how I met Caleb, he has been friends with her since primary school, we started dating 6 months ago when he asked me to the school dance. Cliché, I know but that's what he wanted as captain on the footy team and all. I didn't mind, it wasn't me but that's what high school's for, stepping out your comfort zone..... right?

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm actually done though, I'm being serious, I cant deal with him thinking he owns me anymore. Like, him having a problem with EJ is like me having an issue with you like, that's so stupid." I vent.

"Well, I mean, I'm not a drug dealer." I shoot her a look that lets her know she crossed the line. "Sorry, I know it's not necessarily a choice, but you get what I mean, I think he's just trying to keep you safe." She tries to reason with me but I yank my arm from her grip.

"Ugh, it's EJ, anyways I don't care I'm moving on, maybe I'll get EJ to kiss me in front of Caleb just to fuck with him, I'm that mad." I joke pushing her earlier statement out of my mind.

"Please don't, look, I know he messed up but, he's got shit going on, losing you will be a big enough punishment, trust me." She says quickly, with what almost looks like fear in her eyes.

We reach my science classroom and I turn to her, "Yeah I know, thanks for walking with me and all that, I'll see you at lunch?"

"All good Evelyn, text me if he does anything stupid." she says walking away.

"Of course!" I slightly raise my voice in her direction as I walk through the door.

The rest of the day goes by quickly as I don't even see Caleb, he must have left.

"Hey, you're alright?" Kayla checks one last time before getting in her mum's car.

"Yeah, I'm fine I promise. but um, I don't want you to feel like you need to pick my side in this or anything, I'm ok, he really needs you. even if he's wrong don't feel like you can't be there for him.' I explain the best I can.

"Thank you." is all she says and hugs me tight.

'Of course, now go, you'll be late for cheer!"


"Hey, guys!" Flynn says as he walks through my bedroom door.

"Hey." Harper, Eli and I mumble in response.

"So, she finally dumped the pretty boy?" Flynn says to Harper.

"Yeah, they had a big fight at school, sounds pretty bad not gonna lie."

"You guys know I'm just here right?" I snap at them.

"Sorry E, are you feeling ok?" Flynn joins us on the floor of my room sitting on the beanbag with me.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just annoyed at him, he thinks there's some shit with me and Eli, which is just stupid."

"Congrats EJ, you broke up your first couple!" Harper says.

"Whatever, as if E would ever date me, I knew that kid was stupid. But damn, that's just getting ridiculous."

"What do you mean? If you weren't, well you, I'd definitely consider you." I say to him.

"We all know your standards are way too high for some fucked up dealer. Face it you've got standards, weird ones if pretty boy can meet them and not me but, still, standards."

"Oh my god, get over yourself." I say shoving him.

He's just about to push me back when the door opens and my mum says, "Are you kids staying for the night or only dinner?"

We look at each other and somehow come to a conclusion with our eyes.

"They're staying, we'll go get the spare mattresses." I tell her and Eli and I walk into the hallway to go get them from my older brothers old room.

"Did you mean what you said about how you would consider dating me or were you just trying to make me feel better?" he asks me.

"Of course I meant it, you're super chill. You already making a move? Damn, I haven't even been single for 8 hours." We walk into his room and grab either side the mattress pile from against the wall.

"Ha, ha, no I was just wondering is all, don't get your hopes up, I know I'm pretty irresistible, but really control yourself."

"Ugh, you wish." We get back to my room and dump the mattresses on the floor.

"What does he wish?" Harper asks from the bed where she and Flynn are sitting awfully close.

"That he had a chance with me."

"Ha! Twenty bucks Harper, no take-backs." He jumps up and exclaims.

"You're kidding, you made bets on us?"

"Yeah, I was sure you guys were gonna end up together." Harper says annoyed.

"I mean I would be pissed but we made one about you this morning so...." Eli says laughing. 

I secretly wish he wasn't joking but I know that it's not even a possibility, I mean, me. me, dating him, no.


"So, Flynn, how's your scholarship looking?" My mum asks over dessert.

"Well my attendance had been almost perfect this year and my grades are pretty good so I think I'm on track, Mrs Jones."

"Oh please, Flynn, you've been staying at my house for more than ten years, just call me Sara."

"Ok sorry, Sara."

This happens every time he talks to my mum, and every time they pretend like its the first time. His parents raised him to believe that you should always address adults as Mr and Mrs. My mum just thinks it's weird but he won't give up.

"Well if you kids are done, we are going to be heading to bed, make sure you get some sleep."

"Night, Mum." I say as her and my step-father leave the table.

Back in my room, we talk until we can't keep our eyes open and end up falling asleep all on my bed.

"Who's phone is that?" Eli says reach over me to turn a light on, waking us all up.

"E, it's 4am, why is Caleb calling you?" says Eli rubbing his eyes to look down at my phone.


Hey guys!! hope your liking this story, I know there are a few mistakes, but maybe I'll edit them if I can be bothered.

Enjoy x - Elle

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