"Do you forgive me?"

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Dan's POV

"Dan! Dan!" I hear a voice call from behind me just before I walk through the school gates, making me stop in my tracks. Phil ran upto me, a scarf wrapped around his neck and covering upto the tip of his nose. A large smile appears on my face as I look at the other boy. "You cold?" I chuckle gently as we walk through the gates.

Phil hesitates and pulls at the top of the scarf a little "Erm...yeah, I am." his voice was nervous and timid, so I stop walking and look into his crystal blue eyes "What is wrong, Phil? I know we are only friends since yesterday but...you can tell me anything you know." I say in a soft tone. Phil's head swivels round before facing me again, slowly he pulls down the scarf to reveal a large bruise across his lower jaw and part way up his cheek. "Phil...what happened..?" While I speak I carefully take hold of his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.

Before he could answer we were interrupted by laughed and a stones being thrown at us "Fuck off you fags! Go hold your boyfriend's somewhere else, Howell, we don't want to see that! Disgusting!" The group of boys sneered and mocked us as we stood there. Me and Phil made eye contact before he dropped my hand with a frown "Y-you heard them, Howell...get l-lost" he snapped at me, taking a few steps back before walking off.

"Phil...wait..." I shout after him but I don't have the chance to catch up with him as the group of boys start punching and kicking me. "...stop...stop..." Sobs escape me as I take my beating. When the bell rang the boys stepped back and grabbed their bags, walking away and leaving me to my agonising pain.

I struggle through the pain to pull myself up onto my feet and I manage to walk. Not towards the school but away from the building and straight out the gates. I keep walking until I'm standing infront of large metal gates outside a grand house. Even though I was in a great deal of pain, I managed to tap in a four number pin-code into the gate lock pad. Once I press enter one of the large gates slowly opens and I slip through before shutting it behind me.

My hand slips inside my pocket and brings out a shiny metal key, which I fit into the lock in the wooden front door before turning and opening it. Luckily my parents aren't at home, they are busy out at work. I have the house to myself...well, actually my parents only allow me in my room so that is where I head straight away once I've locked the door.

Inside my bedroom is a total mess: piles of clothes on the floor(dirty and clean); wrappers across the desk; posters not allowing any part of the grey walls to be seen; crumpled up black bedding. My mum hated my bedroom alot but then again, recently, both my parents haven't been big fans of me really.

The day past by too quickly and I only saw the time when my phone buzzed on my bedside table. It was 5pm and Phil had texted me. With a frown attached to my face I opened the message on my Iphone.

"Are you okay, Dan? Where did you go today? Im really sorry about what I said earlier :( Do you forgive me? Can we still be friends?" Phil had sent. My fingers hover over the screen before I suddenly lock my phone, throw it at a pile of clothes and flop onto my bed with the duvet pulled over my head.

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