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Lemme tell you I got up extra early today. And it took me an hour to get ready. This is so unlike me. What is happening to me?

You are going to meet him!

Stop you told me this for the nth time.
Now stop.

You are going to meet him!


You are going to meet him!

"WILL YOU STOP? You are making me more nervous."

I went to the meeting location. It was held in the penthouse of Oliver Maestri, a 67 year old man who was here for a business partnership with either of the two companies. When I reached there no one was had yet arrived, I looked at the time it was 8:55. They must've been here till now. I thought to myself. Where is everyone? I went in and was invited by someone.

"Hey I am Mr. Maestri's assistant. My name is Gabriel."

"Hi, I am Eveline Carter from Simon Corporation."

"Please come with me I'll show you the meeting hall."

He led me to the hall. I saw Mr. Maestri sitting on a chair talking to the person sitting in front of him. Mr. Maestri and I, we have met previously when he had once came to visit the company for business. I went in and HOLY BATMAN!

 I went in and HOLY BATMAN!

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Babes doesn't he looks familiar? I wonder where have I seen him before? I was shocked I didn't even reply her.


Is who I he is think he?


Sorry that was nervous me....Is he who I think he is?

Ya..guess what I have to face him alone.

Come on my Ev you can do it. ITU(I trust you).

Okay I guess I can to do it.

I went further and shook hands with Mr. Maestri.

"Eveline, my dear you are here we are waiting for everyone to come."

"Good Morning Mr. Maestri. Glad to meet you."

"Oh I forgot to introduce you to him."

"Ya I-I-know h-h-im." What the hell is with this stuttering now.

Oh my poor Ev did you forget that you stutter every time you are nervous.

"Alexander Knight." He stood up and extended his hand. I just stared at him.







Oh shit. I forgot about that.

Ya you were busy staring at him. Now be a man and face him.

Ya I will. Wait.what? You said man? Like seriously.

Oh sorry.Be my Ev and face him.

I'll take that that's better.

Will you talk to him? You can talk to me at home too.

Oh yaa.

"Umm....Eveline....Eveline Carter." I shook his hand and he just smirked. Why the hell is he smirking now? Hey did I do something?

No idea babes.

"Spare me some time till then you two can have some talk."

NO please don't go NO! NO! NO! and he left. Shit now I am all alone with him. Where the hell are my friends?


I agree.

"I think you should calm down a bit Miss Carter. I won't eat you up." He said.

"I-I a-am f-fine."Great in a three words sentence I stuttered three times.

"Are you?"


"If you say so. But I think you should have some water Miss Carter because the room temperature is pretty cool, still you are sweating and I doubt you have a fever." He said smirking.

Now I know why he smirked at you that time.
Aww Ev😂


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