CHAPTER 57: He Forgot My Birthday?

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I am so happy that finally Rose is getting married to Blake. Both of them look cute together. I am sure that Blake will always take care of Rose. He loves her a lot. We were deciding about their marriage during the dinner. Rose was blushing as hell and Blake was just looking at her and smiling. Everything is just perfect. Xander and Blake are back to their friend zone.

It was raining heavily when we were returning home. During the dinner Xander didn't say even a single word, he was just nodding his head whenever someone asked him a question and while we were returning then too. He was quiet all the time and I very well know why he is behaving like this and it's really irritating.

The pain was visible in his face.

Why is he taking all the blame on himself?

"Xander stop. Stop blaming yourself. Whatever happened was not your fault."

He stopped the car. "What's not my fault Ev? I blamed Blake for everything when the one who has to be blamed is me. I lost him because of my mistake. Mason died because of me. Because I was in so called love with Maddison. The one guy who never used to lie to me, he lied to me, he didn't tell me that he knew. Everything is because of me."

I shook my head. Xander got out of the car slamming the door.

"Xander come inside it's raining." I shouted from the car. But he didn't came in.

He shouted. "UGH!!"

I got out of the car and ran to him.

I cupped his face in my hand "Xander it's not your fault. Stop it. No one is to be blamed for this. If you would have known then you would have saved Mason. Mason didn't tell you it's not your fault. You tried your best to save him. Don't blame yourself. The one here who has to be blamed is Maddison she lied to both of you. She said those hurtful words to Mason. You are not responsible for anything."

Xander hugged me and cried "Why didn't he tell me Ev? Why? I could've saved him. If just once he told me, he would have been alive today and be with us."

I pulled away and pecked his lips "Shh.... Let's just forget the past and see you have so many people who loves you. You have me, Mom-Dad, Evan, Rose and now you have Blake too. Let's forget everything and just start fresh with our baby. Please Xander. It hurts to see you like this. My heart aches."

"I love you so much Ev. I love you."

"I love you too." I said.

He held both my hands in his and connected our lips.

-----------------------------------------------------------"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Xander muttered in pain

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"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Xander muttered in pain.

I was applying medicine on his wounds and he was whining like a kid.

"Xander stop acting like a kid."

"Don't scold me. You won't understand how much it hurts." He said.
"Ah! Ah! Slow. Slow. Slow."

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