CHAPTER 12: Falling for the most Stupid Plan

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"WOW your house is really beautiful." I said as I got down of the car.

"You like it?" he asked.

"Like? I love it. Its beautiful." We started walking towards the house.

"Well sorry to disappoint you but we'll not be living here after our marriage."

"Why?" I asked with a frown.

"Because we will be living in my penthouse. I don't live here. I just visit Mom and Dad sometimes."

"You have your own house?"

"Is that so hard to believe?"

"No I thought you were an 'everyone together man'." He rolled his eyes.

We went in.

Mr. and Mrs. Knight were sitting in the living room. When they saw us they came towards us. Mrs. Knight embraced me into a hug. "Oh dear, you are finally here. What took you two so long?"

"Mom just had few things to take care of." Alexander said.

She took me inside.

Your mother-in-law is hell of an excited woman.

We all sat on the couch. "Oh dear have you thought about your wedding dress yet?"

"No. Actually I can't think of anything I am just too nervous." I said and looked at Alexander who was already looking at me. "But I think my friend, she can help me with it." If she is alive till the wedding. I smirked thinking about that.

We were talking about some wedding stuffs when a maid came with a well decorated bottle in her hand and gave it to me.

"Madam this is for you. Roselyn ma'am has told to give you this." The maid said.

"Roselyn?" I asked.

"She is my sister. But why would she give something to you?" Alexander said with a suspicious look in his face.

I stood up and saw something written on the bottle 'SURPRISE.'


I opened the bottle and SURPRISE SURPRISE. I knew this trick. The whole coke was now on my dress.

Bloody Rosie girl. Applying the old mentos coke trick.

And you fell for it. Hahaha.

"WHAT THE HELL ROSE?" Mrs. Knight yelled. And a girl came out laughing from behind me. I stood still there I was not in the state of moving at all.

The Rosie girl was laughing her heart out I could tell that.

Ev you fool. How could you fall for this one?

"Come on Mom chill that was fun. I really wanted to surprise my soon to be sister-in-law."

Okay that was sarcasm.

She came towards me from behind and whispered in my ears. "I hope you liked my surprise bitch and one more thing I am not letting you marry my brother."

As if I am dying to marry him. Please do me the favor and get him someone else.

The Rosie girl finally came in front of me and I could see her shocked.

The Rosie girl finally came in front of me and I could see her shocked

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"EV?" she said.

WHAT? I gave her a blank look. Seeing my reaction she frowned.

"Ev you forgot me? How could you? I missed you so much and you, You forgot me. I am so hurt. You could have told me you are the one marrying my brother. I wouldn't have done that. You look like a mess right now." She took out a handkerchief from her pocket and gave it to me "I am really sorry Ev I didn't know it was you. Ev say something. I know you are angry but I didn't mean to do that with you. By the way you should have already guessed that. Its so common."

"Will you please let me say something and allow me to give a surprised expression that I saw you after so many years." I said.

"Ya sure. Do it."

"OH MY GOD! ROSE" I hugged her tightly.



"ME TOO." She said hugging me back.

"Can you both tell us what's happening?" Mrs. Knight asked.

"They seems like long lost friends mom." Alexander said.

"Yes we are. This is Ev about whom I told you was getting married." Rose said.

"This is her." Mr. Knight said.

"Yep. Brother now I don't have any problem because I know her. I grant you the permission to marry her. Yes! Finally you will marry someone I like. I was so tensed you know."

Alexander rolled his eyes. "Can you get her change please?"

"Ya Ev come with me."

I took a shower and sat beside Rose on the bed.

"Are you not happy marrying my brother? Cass told me that you had a fight with him. What is it? Tell me Ev. Maybe I can help you."

"Its not that I don't like him. I do. I really do. But you know the first day he came to meet me he made it clear that he will never love me. You know, he even hates me. Rose I...... I like him a lot but its hard for me to stay in a loveless marriage. When only I will be the one trying and it would be nothing from his side."

"I understand Ev, he is a hard person to live with. Ev he can't love you because he has faced something in his life that he fears to love, to trust anyone. But Ev trust me I know you and I know that you can change him. He needs to be loved Ev and you can do it."

"I don't know Rose. Can you tell me what happened that he became like this."

"I can Ev but I will not tell you anything. Once he starts trusting you he will be the one to tell you. If I tell you now you will just pity him, which he hates. He hates people who pity him. Just wait for sometime Ev I am sure he will tell you."

"Now have you decided about your wedding dress?" she asked.

"Umm.. No."

"That's great we'll go together to buy you a dress. I need to tell Cass about it too." She said in excitement.

"Ev." Mrs Knight came in the room.

"Dear its late stay here tonight. Alex will drop you tomorrow morning after that you can go for shopping."

"Ya Ev it would be fun. Stay here. Its just a night." Rose said.



Hey guys,

I hope you all are enjoying the story. Thanks for your love and support.

Love you guys.💖



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