Oh Shapes

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You like shapes, right? Shapes are nice.

Look at your dog (or any other animal if needed) and tell me what you see. You see an animal? Well, good job, you're not blind.

Shapes are an important... thingy that's in art! Shapes come in different forms. From circles, to triangles, to squares, you get the fucking idea.

Time for an example of how SHAPES are used...

Awww yeah, look at THAT! What, you don't like it? Well that's kinda rude

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Awww yeah, look at THAT! What, you don't like it? Well that's kinda rude...

AHEM, as you can see with your non-blind eyes, circles, rectangles, and other shapes have been used.
Oh, and by the way, his name is Garrett.

Shapes don't always come in just circles 'n squares, oh no no no!

Shapes don't always come in just circles 'n squares, oh no no no!

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Some shapes can be really fucking strange-looking like this!

The shapes you'll use vary on what exactly you're drawing. Are you making a dragon? Give it a circle head! Or what about a human? Give it a circle head! Maybe you're drawing a creature with an amazon box head? GIVE IT A CIRCLE HEAD!

What about the limbs? Again, varies on what you're making. A human? Rectangle limbs! Or a dragon? RECTANGLE LIMBS! And don't forget the most important part... the circle head.


SHUT UP I WAS GONNA TALK ABOUT THAT LAST! Anyway, yes, the torso. Once a-fucking-gain, the shape varies on what you're planning to draw. Want an obese man? Circle. Want a very lanky and sick man? Rectangle should do!
And after you do that, make sure the character has a CIRCLE HEAD!

"Flail, but I don't draw characters, I do structures and stuff like that!"

If that's the case, just trace it! Not like anybody will care.

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