Chapter 19 - Again?!?!

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very dark and depressing be warned its not for the fant of heart!!
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Gaege POV
Shit I'm so tired. Should have been careful with my energy. I sat on the side of a building and gather my strength back. I see someone walk towards me and I got nervous. I got up and started jogging back to my house. Sadly I had to past him. Good thing i was nervous because he stepped infront of me and pulled out a gun. Shit. "Remember me?" He said. That voice. I couldn't forget that voice. Brad. "How?! You went to jail!" I said shocked. He laughed. "You will go where i say without question. However I have to take you back alive so you will only get yourself hurt." He said demandingly. "Back? Back where?!" I asked backing up.

*Time skip again by chook chook! If you get that, I love you.*

"Hey did Gaege come back? Its been over two hours??" Narratot said out loud worried. We all looked at each other. Shit. "I'm going to call him." I dialed his number and put it on speaker. He answered but didn't say anything. "Gaege? Are you okay? Its late, you should come home." I said worried. It was quiet but we all heard a whisper that we couldn't make out. Then muffled crys and screaming could be heard. The boys ran around the phone. "Gaege?!" I yelled. "Hey baby!" Brad said on the other end of the phone. Our hearts stopped at the same time. "Some crazy chick helped me out, I can cut off as many fingers as i want until you show up." He said laughing. I started to cry. "Leave us alone!" I yelled.

He gave an address and hung up. Just before for a split second we heard him scream again. My crying was uncontrollable. I can't do this. Please god be on my side! "What are we waiting for?! Let go to the address!" Eddie yelled. We all run to the door. "Wait! He probably wants me to do this on my own." I say. I give up. Surrender. I won't be the cause of his death or suffering. "Hell no dawg! He never said that." Eddie said. We all went into Gaege's car and left. We went to the address to a nice small cottage. This is a weird place to hold someone? "Guys this is weird, he isn't stupid so be careful." I said as they all nodded. We got out and looked around. Nothing. Its too quiet. We heard the door open and saw a girl at the door. "Can I help you?" She asked.

I walked up. "Where is Brad and Gaege." I asked without another thought. She looked at me confused. "I'm sorry I think you have the wrong place but can I get you anything?" She asked. I shook my head. "Sorry, thank you anyways." We walk towards the car to see the tires are all flat. We heard a gun shot and Josh yelled in pain. "Fuck!" He yelled as he went down. "Josh!" Mully said. I turned around to see the girl with a gun. "Get your ass inside or another one goes down." She said laughing. She must be the "crazy" girl that helped Brad. We put our arms up and walked inside as Mully helped Josh. Damn. Was a nice house.

There was a man on the couch with a sword. "I'm crystal and that's maddog. You try anything and he will kill you." Crystal said smirking. We heard more muffled screams and I ran towards the sound. I run down the hall and one of the doors open. Brad. He grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. "NO!!!" I yelled. I fell to the ground fron the force and I saw Gaege gagged and tied to a chair. Weapons, rope, hooks and anything you can think of on the walls. Lonely chair in the middle of the room. Table of knifes with blood on them. Gaege was badly beaten and bloody as he looked at me. Tears and fear in his eyes. "G-Gaege.." I said with pure sadness and shock. "He will be out on the picture soon enough." Brad said.

Crystal brought everyone else in the roon and tied them up against the wall. "I keep my word, and you will to." Crystal said to Brad. "What the fuck is happened?!" I asked. "I want Gaege to myself and he wants you. We also want to kill the other one so we made a deal. Don't kill them but you can toture them all you want for revenge." She explained. "I don't know you!" I yelled at her. She grabbed my arm and with her other hand, she slid the knife across my cheek. I yelled in pain. My cheek started to bleed. I tried to run away but she wrapped her arms around my waist but I fought back. I tried to grab her hair but she threw me to the side. I fell right in front of Narrator and Eddie. "Don't hurt her!" Narrator yelled. She stopped coming after me and moved towards Narrator. "Fuck off! That's all fat you got!" She said slapping him. He grow a look of pure angry. "You can call me whatever. Hurt me. I don't give a shit! But you won't hurt my friends!" He said getting up in her face.

She laughed. "Oh please hurt me~ I will love it~" she moaned. Narrator was thrown off by that. We all were. "Let me tell all of you that I, myself killed six policemen to get to Brad. I do whatever, whenever I want." She said laughing with her tougue out. She is fucking insane! Narrator stepped back. We all heard a click and saw Brad with a gun in his hand. He had it pointed at Gaege and he started to cry. He moved like a weak old man with the rope and pain. He was trying to talk and plead but the gag was stopping him. "No!" I yelled. I stood up and put my arms up. "I give up. I'll do whatever you want just let them go. Give Gaege so help. Please." I pleaded.

I put my hands behind my head and got on my knees. Gaege violently shook his head. He broke free of the gag. "No! Y/N please don't! I don't want you hurt anymore." Gaege cried out. "What about me?! I got shot!" Josh cried out. Oh. Shit. Yeah that's not good. Pool of blood surrounded his leg. "I'm bored!" Crystal yelled, annoyed. She walked over to me while i was on my knees and punched me hard. I fell. I got up and punched her back. "Oh fuck yeah! More!!" She said. I kicked her and she grabbed my leg and twisted. We all heard a snap.

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