Chapter 22 - Who's baby?!

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self-harm, depressing (if it wasn't already... Im sorry)

Gaege POV
Narrator, Josh and Mully have stayed in Florida all this time until Y/N and I get out of this hospital. Eddie has been cleaning my house that the three of us now share. He gets good food and been the best shopping dude ever. He has been the best help and Y/N and I couldn't be more greatful.

"What up dawg, how you feeling?" Eddie had giving us some (favorite food place) and we all sat together to eat. "Getting better every day. How are you feeling bro? Like really, you been through a lot but you seen to be perfectly fine." I say to Eddie. He looked down and teared up. "I don't want to talk about it. Just making sure you guys are okay before my problems." Eddie weakly smiled. Y/N gasped. "Eddie... Why is my shade of concealer on your wrists?" Y/N said calmly but concerned. Eddie looked at her with wide eyes. "Nothing. You guys eat I'm going to the bathroom." Eddie said quickly and speed-walked out. Damnit Eddie! "I'm going to talk to him." I say siting up. "Gaege you haven't walked long distances yet, be careful." Narratot walked over.

I nodded. "Eddie is more important then some pair of legs." I say trying to stand up. Narrator helps me up and I slowly go to the bathroom. Men's room of course. I looked through the stalls to see him in the furthest one. Of course. He was crying quietly but I could hear it. He was breathing heavy. No one else was in the room. "Eddie? It's okay, it's just me." I try reassuring him. I heard him get dead quiet. "Eddie?" I asked again, knocking on the door. "Don't come in!" He said quickly. Too late. I already opened the door. Oh my god. Blood. Everywhere. "Eddie..." I say with a weak breathe. I closed the door and sat on the floor where he was.

He was so sad. Tears. "Please talk to me. Eddie, I'm really worried." I say calmly. I have to stay strong for him. He shook his head. "I don't want anyone to see me like this..." He said softly. I just held his hand. He will talk if he wants. We sit in silences as I help him bandage his arms. "I'm so sorry." He said out of no where. He moved to sit sideways, back against the wall. I didn't say anything but put my arm around his shoulder. He fell apart again and we just hugged. "So much shit has happened in so little time. I don't know what even happened. I fell for Y/N and Gabby left me. I got beat and raped. I witnessed what happened to all of you and I was so helpless. I couldn't help anyone. I just fought restrains more then people. I saw more then I helped. The least I could do was help you guys as you all heal..."

Eddie sat slowly standing up. "I want to be better. Stronger. I want to learn from this. The problem is I don't know where to start with it... all I feel is pain, physically and emotionally. Sadness that makes me tired and hopeful. Gaege I'm just lost and I don't know what or where to go." He said breaking down. I stood up and hugged him again. "We all get better and we go from there. We will get through this together I promise. Just need time to heal our hearts too. Just keep fighting for the both of us okay?" I say backing away and looking him in the eyes. This hurts to see him like this but I want to help him so badly. I need to help him.

We get back to the group and act like nothing happened. We will keep this to our sides for now. We open the door to see a female doctor sitting on the end of Y/N's bed. Everyone is around her as she cries. "W-What happened? Is everything okay?!" I panic and speed-walk to Y/N's side. Everyone looks awkward. "Ma'am you should-" The nurse started. "Shut up." Y/N intruded. Wow. That was... okay? "Y/N please talk to me." I say holding her close as she cries. "I-I'm scared." She says softly. I rocked her back and forth slowly and shushed her. "We can deal with it together." I say to her. She stops me and looks at me. "I-I'm pregnant."

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