How to say "Yes" in Thai

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There is no straightforward/direct translation of the English words 'yes' and 'no' in Thai.

There are various standard forms of affirmative or negative reply depending on the context.

lets talk about "Yes"

How to say "Yes" in Thai

                   □■□■□ Yes □■□■□

There are three different ways to say "yes" in Thai

1:- krap / ka

I have already told you how to use polite particle krap/kha as "Yes"  in the previous lesson

Krap and ka are polite particle but it also can be used in polite way to answer "yes" to a question. When they're used alone in response to a statement, they don't really mean anything except to signify you've heard and understood the statement and are still listening.

For example if your sir is giving you instructions

Conversation between Sir and employ

Sir: .............................................................

employ : krap

Sir: ............................................................. .............................................................

employ : krap

Sir: ............................................................. .............................................................
employ: krap

It is showing that the employ is listening and understanding  instructions or orders of sir

It can be used in any this type of situation .not only with sir and employ .it will show that you are listening and understanding someone's conversion, instructions, orders , statement , etc

For example:

Q:- bpai gin kaow = Go and eat rice.
Ans:- krup = Okay.

Bpai=  go
Gin= eat

2:-《《 chai 》》

This is probably the closest match to the English word 'yes'. It can be used as an agreement to a question or statement in the same way we use 'yes' in English.

khun bpai Jeen mai ? - Are you going to China?
chai - Yes.

Bpai=to going
Jeen  = china
Mai= yes/no question word

■We also use it in answer when question has "chai mai?" question  word,The most common use of 'chai' is in reply to the question form 'chai mai ?'.
khun ruk chan, chai mai ? - You love me, don't you ?(right?)
chai - yes

Khun= you
chan= me/I
Chai mai = right?/don't you?

3:-Use of Verb to say "Yes"

We also use verb in reply for affirmative answer.

For example a question is...

Q: Are you going to Dubai?

In answer, just use the verb "going" . it is affirmative answer ,it will be same as we say "yes" to the question's answer

Q:Are you going to Dubai?
Ans: Going = it means (Yes going)
Q:- do you have water ?
Ans:- have
Q:- is this good?
Ans:- good

We are just using verbs for making answers affirmative. Its not equal to English word "yes" but it will  be same like we are saying "yes" to the questions

The more standard affirmative reply is to simply repeat the verb

Q:-khun bpai Jeen mai ? = Are you going to China?
Ans:- bpai = going =yes

Mai=yes/no question word

Q:- nee dee mai?= is this good?
Ans:- dee =good=yes

Mai=yes/no question word

A/N:- I know I am repeating many points again and again and maybe you will feel irritated but my only purpose is to make the point clear for the reader friends who really want to learn thai.... Maybe the 3rd point (use of verb) is new for foreigners...i tried my best to explain it ,but i don't know if the point is clear or not, let me know friends....

●■●■● Short Summary ●■●■●

You go to coffee shop and want to ask if they have coffee or not

Q:- Mee gaa-fee mai?= do you have coffee?

Mee= to have
Gaa-fee = coffee
Mai= yes/no question word

If they have coffee then 3 possible affirmative answer will be that

1:- Krup =they will use polite particle as an affirmative answer
2:- Mee = have (they will use just "verb" which means "yes they have coffee")
3:- Mee gaa-fee = have coffee

All the three answers are affirmative and means "yes" they are not exactly equal to English  word "Yes" but it means "Yes" and are affirmative answer


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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