I'm on Fire

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[Strong sexual content ahead!  It's consensual, but it may be a bit unsettling because...well, you'll see.]

What's the matter, Hellen? Is my bro proving you wrong for the umpteenth time, hm? Well, you're in good company. Your little boyfriend made the same mistake twice before he pulled this stunt. And did I tell you that he has a friend who's also underestimated my bro? Luckily, that reptile is wising up as of late, but we're getting off topic here. So you can unnerve me and flirt with me all you want—my bro is still gonna wipe the floor with you and get me out of this godforsaken place!

Heads up, Mario—King Boo is on his way back down. Luigi may have to face a dastardly duo—for real, this time!

Are you still doing all right, amore?

As all right as I can be under these circumstances. I'm glad he's leaving me alone for a while—he's a f—ing creep. Taunting me about you and Luigi, licking the canvas—his appendages wandering. I'll take Koopa any day of the week!

You said it. However, if this is indeed gearing up to be a two-on-one battle, then we'll have to give him as much love and strength as we can! Are you with me?

Till the end, Mario. Till the end.


Hellen gave a low growl as she listened to the battle raging in her penthouse hallway. He was winning, that plumber was winning, even as this floor was hurling everything but the kitchen sink at him! Her lasers couldn't stop him, the complex puzzles couldn't stop him, and now the waves and waves of ghosts she just dispatched weren't stopping him. Luigi was slamming and vacuuming his way through all of them, albeit this was cushioned a bit by the periodic sounds of his body striking the floor and the little pained noises he sometimes made. But he was up in no time, singing along to a Mike + The Mechanics song and shouting fiercely, defiantly, even.

"I'm coming for you, Mario!!!" she heard him exclaim, his voice almost breaking from the ferocity of the shout.

Hellen turned to Mario's painting, slithering against it. "What's the big deal, Mario?" she asked. "That brother of yours just—won't—die."

She looked into the immobilized face and thought she saw something in Mario's eyes—a glint. He must've thought that she was slow in the head, that she couldn't see it, but she did, clearer than the night sky outside. She saw what was in his eyes.


"Oh, you're enjoying this, aren't you?" she snarled, shoving her face toward the painting. "You're enjoying my suffering, and you're enjoying my King's suffering! You find this, funny, don't you? Well, you won't be laughing for long, once I get your beloved brother in a portrait frame!"

In frustration, Hellen once again slithered and rubbed her body along Mario's portrait, enjoying the friction. "I'll give you something to enjoy, you pudgy little..."


Hellen stopped and quickly fixed her hair and makeup as King Boo floated into the room. "My King? Wha...?"

"That plumber is right outside your door," said the King. "Don't you hear him?"

"Yeah, but..."

"I need to get you out of here," said King Boo. "Grab Mario's painting, and follow me to the roof."

"I'm not running from that green a—hole!" cried Hellen. "I'm facing him down like a true ghost!"

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