My life with Tyler Anderson and co. - Chapter 1

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“Finally, the amazing bed; after a tiring long day of shifting. What could be better than sleep?” I laid my head slowly on to the soft, comfy pillow, slowly drifting to sleep.

Suddenly ‘Sorry For Party Rocking’ plays loudly.

“Ugh!!!” My annoying neighbor Tyler. Tyler Anderson, that’s right, this is what I get for having a celeb as my neighbor.

“WILL YOU TURN IT DOWN!!?” I yelled out my window.

He comes at the window shirtless…wait …what? SHIRTLESS!!! Why does he happen to look so good with is muscles straining as he leaned down against the window pane. No wonder he is a player and an actor.

“SORRY FOR PARTY ROCKING” he sang even louder at me.


He stopped singing and gave me the apologetic look and said, “Oh I’m so sorry, I must be spoiling your beauty sleep, and I’ll turn down.”

He turned it down and gave me a smile which I wasn’t very sure about so I gave him a fake smile in return. I turned my back to go back to my wonderful bed which was calling me, the moment I turned the music went even louder than before. I turned back to face him again and there he was giving his evil smile.

“What will it take for you to stop?” I asked him.

He stood up in a thinking position, then back to his leaning down on the window and said, “I would like to taste your lip gloss.”

I looked at him in disgust. “I think you have already tasted many enough.”

Tyler smirked at me. “You really hate me don’t you?”

“Yeah I really, really hate you!!!” I replied.

“And that’s what I love about you, other girls just can’t help falling in love with me and you are one who is like the Great Wall of China.” He said as he stood up straight and folded his arms.

Raising an eyebrow, I asked. “Great Wall of China?”

“Yeah, girls normally would have melted by now seeing me shirtless and you have been talking to me for the past 20 minutes but you still seemed to be standing firm.” He said impressed.

“Tyler will you please come down…” His mom called. “…And turn down that awful music.”

He put on a t-shirt and called out.

“Coming, mom.”

He turned the music off and my victory smile slowly grew on my face. Before leaving the room he turned to face me.

“Sorry Erik babes, gotta go, but have a feeling that we’ll meet soon.” And he left winking at me.

I stared in shock at his room after he left. Did he just call me Erik babes? First of all how did he get the authority to call me that and besides how did he know my name? Ugh!…and how dare he call me ‘babes’ and wink at me. Well if you come to think of it the way he said Erik sounded really nice… focus Erika!

I turned to walk towards my bed, “Finally…is too much to ask for some sleep?”

“Erika, will you come down I have something to tell you.” My mom called the moment I reached the bed.

It was too much to take.

“Coming, mom!!!” I called.

I went down stairs and scanned the faces of the people sitting in the hall. My mom, my dad, Tyler’s mom and dad… Strange what where they doing here? Probably here to meet mom and dad.

My life with Tyler Anderson and co.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon