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Well breakfast was good.with taehyung introduced himself to the head alpha,jungkook wanting to sleep but trying his best to stay awake to finish the breakfast because he want to be as strong as his daddy.jimin eating while being watched by jin who suspects something has happened after seeing the younger red face.namjoon and hoseok just chatting about trees?i don't know these weirdos.yoongi quietly eat his breakfast after nodding to taehyung's intro.

"so,jimin.what do you wanna do after this?"jin starts the conversation.he was planning something.

"ermm I want to have a morning run hyung.with taehyungie."jimin answered sincerely.jin quickly looking at taehyung and shake his head.taehyung got the action.

"oh Im sorry chim,actually I have something to do with hoseok and no,not a morning sex..i guess"taehyung stated.

"we have?hoseok asked taehyung.taehyung just covering it laughs and nodded his head and put more food in hoseok's plate.

"ohh.its okay.i will just go by myself."jimin said

"oh jiminie,actually,yoongi always having a morning run.maybe you can join him.and he can show you the scenery in this pack right yoongi hyung?"jin was looking at yoongi.yoongi sighed.

"he say he can go alone."yoongi said.before jin can talk jimin beat him.

"actually hyung,I would love to see around this pack yoongi hyung,we can have moring run first."jimin was looking at yoongi with his puppy eyes that always manage to make taehyung weak.yoongi,to jimin's luck,is looking at him and of course he couldn't resist those eyes.lets be honest here,who can resist huh?

"hmmm"yoongi hummed but maintained his emotionless face..taehyung and jin high five in their heads and mentally noted to praise jimin.namjoon and hoseok stop eating for awhile but continue after hearing jungkook whine wanting namjoon to feed him.daddy's boy huh.


"im ready."jimin said to yoongi who not-so-patiencely waiting for him to find some suitable clothes for a walk.of fucking course jimin will try his best to win yoongi heart even in picking cute clothes to gain his attention.but,yoongi's face is just emotionless and he walks out the house.jimin huffed but follows him.

"hmmm..nice weather today my pack,we are not allowed to walk freely from our house even for a walk after the rogue incident.i kinda missed to walk around freely in the morning.listening to the bird's chirping."jimin smiled and inhaled the fresh air.yoongi stays silence and still walking.'no,I must try harder'jimin thought when he saw yoongi doesn't pay attention to him.

"arhh,I miss kids from my old pack.i used to play with the pups whenever they played outside before the incident.arghh i don't know how my old pack member suit themselves in a new environment."jimin began thinking about his old pack since they have to separate after the rogue attack.since his old pack was a small pack,the leader devided them to go to different pack.thats why jimin with taehyung have to stay in yoongi's pack and since taehyung is hoseok mate,he will stay here forever even after the condition stable.'did I have to leave this pack since yoongi doesn't want me'jimin thought.jimin hasn't realized that he had stop walking.

"don't worry,after all the condition in your old pack stable,you can go back there."yoongi said.

"bbut..i don't want to"jimin whispered but still can be heard by yoongi.

"why?"yoongi asked.

"because you are here."jimin replied and continuing his walk leaving yoongi behind.he couldn't bare the pain in his heart if he heard yoongi doesn't want him in this pack,as his mate.

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