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I woke up to the sound of my neighbor screaming. I checked my alarm clock to see that it was still 3:00AM. I groaned and tried to go back to sleep but my sister came inside my room.

"Unnie, did you heard that??" Irene asked. It was obvious that she got scared just by looking at her face. I gave her a small nod hoping that she'll go back to her room.

"I'm going to check it out. Mom and Dad went downstairs too, you coming?"

I covered my face with my blanket to give her a hint that I was not interested in any of it. She took the hint and said "Fine, suite yourself." She closed my bedroom door and I heard her footsteps fading away. I closed my eyes and dozed off.


"Omma? where's Appa?" I asked my mother who was looking outside of the window. "He went to our neighbors house to see if they're okay." she replied. I was standing at the stairs as I watch my mother looking outside the window again but seconds later, she swiftly turned her head directly at me.

"Hurry! Go to your sister's room and no matter what, do not open the door!" I looked at her confused but before I can even say a word, she pushed me to go up the stairs and said "quickly!!"

I ran to my sisters room and as I was about to enter, I heard my mom's scream. "Omma?! Appa?!" I tried to go back downstairs but suddenly, someone grabbed my arm.

"What are you doing?! you heard what Omma said. Get inside my room! hurry!" my sister said.


"ugh, I can't sleep with all those ruckus outside." I stood up and looked outside my window and saw dad. I watched my dad slowly walking towards our neighbors front yard.

I can't make up the words my dad was saying but my neighbor was acting really weird. I kept looking at my dad and I got confused, at first he wanted to go to our neighbors house but now he was slowly backing away.

"Appa!" I screamed. I saw my dad looking at me with fear in his eyes and then I saw our neighbor running towards him really fast. "Oh no." I thought to myself. I watched as our neighbor viciously bite my father's neck. I can see that my dad was really fighting for his life.

I quickly went outside my room but I heard my mom screaming to Irene.

"Hurry! Go inside your sister's room and no matter what, do not open the door!" I closed my door and I was having a panic attack.

"What the hell's happening?! What did I just saw?! Did he really attacked my dad in that manner?!" I thought to myself. I heard Irene screaming outside my room "Mom?! Dad?!" and without any hesitation, I opened my door and grabbed her arm.

"What are you doing?! You heard what Omma said. Get inside my room! Hurry!" and I quickly pulled her inside.

"It's happening again!" I told her.
"What?? Unnie, what do you mean?" she asked with a confused look.
"Our neighbor suddenly attacked dad!"

I can see the terrified look plastered on her face but before she could say anything, someone was banging on my bedroom door. We both looked at each other in shock and my sister whispered to me "what are we going to do, unnie?!" I looked around my room to see if there was any way we could get out of here. "Unnie!" my sister desperately screamed.

"The window!" she looked at me in disbelief. "You mean, we jump out of the window?! We could die!" she replied. "Well, it's better than getting attacked by those guys!"

Irene climbed out first and I told her to be careful because my room was on the second floor. "After you land, make sure you roll to prevent yourself from getting injured." I told her. She nodded and I watched her jump from my window and thankfully, she landed safely.

I was about to jump but suddenly, someone grabbed my hair. "Unnie!! Just jump!" Irene screamed. I looked at the man to see that it was my own Father. I felt a pang on my chest as I whispered to him "I'm sorry, Appa" I punched my father right in the face with full force and that made him let go of my hair.

But ironically, I was the one who landed on the wrong foot.

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