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I glanced at Jisoo then at Chanyeol and after a few seconds, Chanyeol suddenly said "Oh, let me introduce myself." He walked towards me and held out his hand for a handshake.

"My name's Chanyeol" I shook his and and replied "Taehyung". He motioned us to get inside the office "Let's get inside before somebody sees us"

We went inside my Father's office. Jisoo was looking around and her eyes landed on a huge family portrait. He pointed to the boy that was on the picture and said "The boy looks just like you, taetae" she turned her head towards me as she said those words.

I went beside and said "That is me". I didn't notice that she was already looking at me because I was still staring at our Family Portrait. She nudged her elbow on my arms and waited for me to answer her question.

Taehyung: What was your question again?
Jisoo: Are you the son of the CEO of this music entertainment?
Taehyung: Yeah
Jisoo: Did you came her because you missed your parents?
Taehyung: Not really, I was looking for you but I got tired walking for about a couple of hours and luckily, I saw this building. Somehow, It felt like home when I stepped inside.
Jisoo: Well, I'm glad that Chanyeol brought me here

I glanced towards Jisoo and said "I can tell that fate is on our side" I smiled to her and she just slapped my shoulder.

"Ehem, uhh sorry to interrupt you guys but I have something important to say." Chanyeol stared at us, looking serious. We sat on the sofa with Chanyeol sitting at the opposite side facing towards us. "It's about my "friends" " He emphasized the word friends which confused me but Jisoo seemed to understand.

Chanyeol: My boss seemed to have a liking on Jisoo and he told all his men to go out and search for her.
Taehyung: What?! Was your boss the guy who harassed Jisoo at the supermarket??
Chanyeol: Yes. He showed us a footage of Jisoo while you guys were at the supermarket.
Taehyung: How can we even trust you? What if you're going to betray us?
Chanyeol: First of all, your friend and that police dude would've been dead if it weren't for me and second, If I am really the bad guy, I would've took Jisoo right away to my boss but I chose not to. It's up to you if you're going to trust me or not and right now, I am telling you the truth.

I was skeptical at first and I didn't really want to trust him but my gut says that he is really telling the truth. I turned my head to Jisoo and she mouthed the word "please" which meant that we should listen to Chanyeol.

Taehyung: Ughh fine but if you ever betray us, I'll never hesitate to kill you.
Chanyeol: That's fine by me.
Taehyung: Why help us?
Chanyeol: I was never a fan of violence and I got tired of seeing a lot of innocent people get killed infront of me.

Chanyeol was really telling the truth because I can sense how he really wanted to protect us. I decided to trust him and hopefully, this is the right decision.

Jisoo: So, what are we going to do now?
Chanyeol: I want you guys to hide and run away as far as possible. You should always be careful because right now, the others are trying their best to find you.
Jisoo: But how??
Chanyeol: Can you call your friends?

Me and Jisoo answered no because we didn't brought any phone with us. I didn't even thought about bringing my phone which by the way, was a very stupid idea.

"Shhh!" Chanyeol suddenly ordered us to be quiet. We stared at each other and Chanyeol pointed his ears which meant that we need to listen. We did what he told us to do and we listened for any sounds and then to our surprise, we heard footsteps coming from the outside.

Chanyeol slowly stood up and motioned for us to stand up too. "You guys better hide. It seems like we're not alone in this building" he whispered to us. "Do not come out unless I tell you" he added I can sense that Jisoo was starting to panic. I remembered that my Father used to have a secret cabinet where he hides all his belongings. I saw him opening it once but I forgot where it is because he remodeled his office.

I quickly went to the walls and slowly tapped on it. I listened while I tap the wall, hoping to hear a hollow sound and bingo! I finally found it. I waved my hand to Jisoo and motioned for her to come to my side. I slowly open the cabinet and took out all the stuff and scattered it around the floor so that no one will notice if ever someone will come here.

The footsteps were slowly coming to our way. Jisoo went in the cabinet first and I followed behind her. It was very small, like the size of a gym locker and it had no lights. I had a hard time closing it and luckily, I managed to close the cabinet door right on time because a second after, the door to the office suddenly swung open.

We heard noises coming from the outside and it seemed like Chanyeol was talking to someone. I couldn't hear them clearly because their voices were slowly fading away. It seemed that they went out of the office.

The cabinet was too small to fit two people and I can feel Jisoo's face buried on my chest. "You good?" I whispered in her ears to which she only nodded in response. I felt her arms wrap around my waist. I can feel my heart beat raising and I can tell that Jisoo noticed.

"I can't believe she still has the time to tease me even though we're on a life or death situation" I thought to myself as she squeezed her chest on me. Even though it was dark, I can tell that she was slowly raising her face towards me and she whispered

"Are you okay Taetae? Why do you seem so excited? Is it because we're in a dark, small room? Or because our bodies are very close to each other?"

I gulped down the lump in my throat and replied "What do you mean? It's the same as sleeping together". She let out a small chuckle as she slowly touched her lips on my neck and whispered

Jisoo: You know it's different, we're aware of our actions unlike sleeping together.
Taehyung: What do you mea—

She starts kissing my neck which caused me to gasp because of her sudden act. I never thought Jisoo would do such a thing. Seconds later, she started to use her tongue and gently sucked the side of my neck. A moan escaped from my mouth as she continued on sucking and kissing my neck.

"This is for what you did to me yesterday. Take this as your punishment"

My body was starting to warm up because of how turned on I was. I grabbed Jisoo's waist and pulled her very close to me. I was trying my best to hold myself from Jisoo's action but temptation got the best of me.

"Two can play that game" I whispered in her ear and I can sense her getting nervous because she suddenly stopped kissing my neck. I held her chin and said to her "What's the matter, Chi? Why stop now? We're just getting started" Her breathing intensifies as I was about to kiss her but Chanyeol suddenly opened the cabinet door.

"Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...interru-" He got cut off by Jisoo as she said "What a great timing Chanyeol" while staring into my eyes and giving me a smirk. She walked out of the cabinet and smiled widely at Chanyeol. I followed behind her and gave Chanyeol a glare.

Chanyeol: Did I do something wrong??
Taehyung: Shut up
Jisoo: Who's that guy that you were talking to earlier?
Chanyeol: Oh, it was D.O. Good thing you guys hid inside the cabinet because he's also a dangerous person.
Taehyung: Where is he now?
Chanyeol: He already drove off. You guys should go now. It's not safe to stay in here. They might come back
Jisoo: Okay. Thank you, Chanyeol. For everything.

Jisoo held Chanyeols hand as she said those words. I was taken aback by her action so I snatched Chanyeol's hand and said "Yeah, thanks" as I stared into his eyes. He just laughed and whispered "Don't worry, she's all yours. She's like a little sister to me".

We were now on the road and we made sure to be careful. It was now 3:40 PM and a few hours later, it's going to be dark. "We should find a place to stay. Chanyeol said that it's going to get dangerous if we walk in the dark" I said to Jisoo to which she agreed.

I still couldn't believe that I found Jisoo and that she's right beside me, holding my hand. Our next challenge is to find the others. I hope that all of them are doing fine.

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