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After hitting the Man many times on the head, he was finally dead. I stared at the man and I was still in the state of shock. I left the man and gathered all my things and went outside of the quarters.

Everything outside took me by surprise. All the nurses and doctors were running around while others were being attacked. I just stood there with my legs shaking.

Jax, my colleague was running towards me while screaming "Jung! You're here! Let's go!" he pulled me and the next thing I know, we were running. We arrived at the fire exit and we head down the stairs with Jax leading the way.

We were on the 5th floor of the Hospital and we had to use the fire exit because the elevators were out. We were about to reach the third floor but Jax suddenly lost his balance and slipped. He fell down the stairs and had hit his head. I quickly went to him to see if he's alright.

I knelt down and said "Jax! speak to me, are you alright???" but there was no response. The impact caused him to go unconscious. I checked to see if there were still any injuries on him but when I checked his hand, there was a bite mark. It looked like as if someone has bitten him.

"Jax, wake up!" I said in a shaky voice. Something was up and I knew it because the last time I saw a bite mark, that person tried to attack me. So I slowly stood up and was ready to bail but then Jax grabbed my ankle!

"yah!! what are you doing?!" I shouted as my anxiety was kicking in. His eyes were bloodshot red and then I remembered everything that happened earlier so I quickly acted on my instincts but instead of hitting him, I kicked him on the face and as he lost his grip, I quickly ran down the stairs and arrived at the 3rd floor.

As I entered the floor, there were lots of Corpses walking around and I slowly made my way to the Medical Supply Room not making any sound.

And thankfully, I made it without any scratch.


"That's how I made it here" Jungkook said. "But we must get out of here, I heard it on this radio that they will be helping the survivors if we go there" he added.

"But we just got here and we have to let Jisoo rest" I said but Jisoo disagreed with me. "It's best if we leave right now" she replied but I don't want to go out not until she rests her left foot first because her injury might get worst. So I made a dumb excuse

"But I got tired of running and carrying you" I pouted at her but instead, she hit me on the shoulders and said "yah, FYI I am not that heavy but fine we'll just have to spend the night here"

I flashed her my boxy smile and said "good girl chichu" and she looked at me, confused and asked "chichu?" and I proudly answered her question "I decided on calling you chichu on our way here because it suites you." she scrunched her nose and said "fine" and I got disappointed. I was expecting her to say something like "awww Taehyung, you're so cute!" but all I got was a simple reply. Jungkook laughed at my reaction so I glared at him.

I sat on the corner, pouting with my arms crossed on my chest. On the corner of my eye, I saw Jisoo smiling at me.

The medical supply room wasn't even that bad. It had a small table at the center and a chair. We used the chair to barricade the door. I stood up and sat beside Jisoo.

"Are you okay?" she asked me and I told her that I was fine. I smiled at her and stared at her face for a moment. She was indeed beautiful. I can sense that she was tired. "You can lean on my shoulders if you want to, I won't mind" but she declined my offer and I could see that she was shy. I slowly placed my hand on her head and slowly moved her head to my shoulder.

"Sleep. You'll need it" she closed her eyes and said thank you. I leaned my head against the wall and was about to close my eyes until I felt a weight on the other side of my shoulder.

"Hey jungkook, it's best if you lean on something else" he removed his head and looked at me straight in the eyes and said "but I'm feeling a bit lonely" I got so annoyed and gave him a flick on the forehead and said "I told you to go lean somewhere else"

"hmpf!" he stood up and went to the other side of the room, pouting. I gave him a thumbs up but he just sticked his tongue out which was kinda immature.

I closed my eyes and dozed off

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