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I woke up to the sound of sirens as it echoed through out the Quarantine Zone. I quickly stood up from my bed, took my glasses and wore my lab coat.

I was hoping that the sirens didn't come from our research facility. I ran from the dorm that I stayed to the research building and then, the worst case scenario happened.

People were now attacking each other. Screams and growls are heard in each corridor. I ran fast to our laboratory where I've kept the vaccines which we haven't tested yet. There were 5 prototypes, each with the same solutions inside. I placed them inside a custom made briefcase with all the other papers that's about the vaccine.

I went outside but then, someone bumped into me which caused me to accidentally drop the briefcase.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" I said as I slowly stood up. I glanced to the person who bumped into me and it was my lab partner. Blood was all over his neck and it was obvious that he got bitten by one of the corpses.

He was slowly transforming, he began to growl at me. I stared at him and didn't move because it might attract him more. They can't see nor smell but they are attracted to any sounds.

I just stood infront of the corpse, not making any unnecessary movements and sounds but suddenly, my pen dropped on the floor.

"ahh sh*t" I hissed at myself

The corpse ran towards me and lunged at me causing us to fall on the floor. He was now on top of me, trying to bite me and I pushed him away but he was too strong. I was struggling and fought for my life and suddenly I heard a gunshot


The corpse stopped moving as it was directly shot on its head. I pushed its body away from me and catch my breath because of how strong the corpse was. A familiar figure came close to me with a rifle scope and held his hand out to me. I grabbed his hand as he help me get up.

I quickly took the briefcase because this is one of the most important thing right now. Others may look at it as a liquid inside a vial but this liquid can save thousands of lives.

We ran outside the building and Suga was escorting me. When we arrived outside, everyone was running around. We can hear guns firing and then Suga suddenly said

"We have to get out of here, Doctor." I looked at him and I got really scared because he sounded very serious. He was looking around and his eyes landed on a RV car. He glanced at me and said

"They are ordering to shoot everyone with no exceptions. We need to get out of here"


I woke up and if it weren't for the lamp, it would be very dark. I wanted to sit up but the pain in my head prevented me from doing so. I was just lying down on the ground and I slowly lifted my hand to touch my forehead which was pulsating.

I touched my forehead and all I felt was a bandage that covered the side of my forehead. I was feeling tired at that time and my headache was getting worst so I closed my eyes again and dozed off.

When I woke up, it was already morning. I checked my watch and it was 7:30 AM. I can still feel the pain on my forehead but I forced myself to sit up. I looked around and I was now inside an office.

As I was scanning the room, I saw a bottled water and food which was on the table. I slowly went towards it and stood infront of it.

"Is this for me?" I whispered to myself to which a male voice replied "Yeah, you've been out since yesterday" I quickly turned my head and saw a tall man wearing a suit with a gold pin.

I slowly backed away because I remembered what Jungkook and Jimin said about the guy with a gold pin who almost snitched on them.

"Woah woah, don't worry. I won't hurt you. I'm not like the others" He said while slowly moving towards me. I took the letter opener which was lying on the table and pointed it towards him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked him trying to sound brave. He stopped walking towards me and gave me a friendly smile. "My name is Chanyeol, your friend ran away yesterday and left you behind so I did what I have to do" He said.

Jisoo: Why should I trust you?
Chanyeol: Because I saved your life from the corpses unlike your friend who just abandoned you

"She's not my friend" I dropped the letter opener and sat on the floor. He slowly walked towards me and sat infront of me "Then, who is she?" I didn't answer his question. He stood up and grabbed the food and water on the table and handed them to me.

Chanyeol: Eat. You must stay strong
Jisoo: Thanks. By the way, what do you mean about you not being like the others?
Chanyeol: Well, my friends are bad. They're not like your friends. They are....different.

He sounded a bit sad and bitter so I gave him half of my food and said "Don't worry, I'm willing to become your friend" I gave him a small smile. He smiled widely at me and since that, we talked for hours.

"I better go now. It's almost 12 PM and my friends might be looking for me"

He stood up and said goodbye and left me alone at the study. He is a really good guy and I am really thankful because if it's not for him, I would've been dead.

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