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Lanaya POV
Chicago, IL
June 10th


"Girl why is u cheesing so hard." Glock asked. "Actually why is bof'a y'all cheesing so damn hard."

"Bc they fucked bae." Nia said kissing Glock as err body eyes got wide.

"WAITT A DAMN MINUTE YALL FUCKED?" Glock asked then dapped up D.

"WAYAMENT.....but y'all date!!?" D asked.

"Nah aht, we asked first." Glock said holding up his finger.

"Yes now y'all." I said.

"Yes we date." Nia said.

"I already knew y'all fucked"
"I already knew y'all date" me and Glock said at the same time. We snapped our heads at each other. "Who told you." We said at the same time again. " nigga stop copying me" we said at the same time Again.

"Y'all weird asf....weirdos." Kd said walking in with a burger.

"Nigga yous always got some food." Syx said.

"So damn, get off my dick." He said then walked off.

"Ok so back to y'all." Kianna said pointing at me and D.

"Right I thought king asked you on a date." Nia asked.

"He did." D said and I nodded agreeing.

"Bando how the hell u know that." Kianna asked.

"Naya told me." He said in a duh tone.

"Who the hell is naya." Glock asked scruching up his face.

"Me dumbass." I said in a duh tone farrowing my brows.

"Ooohh okkk so you name is naya." He asked.

"It's lanaya how you know ha since we was shorties and dont een know ha name." D said mugging him.

"Youngans? How old y'all was when y'all met." Syx asked.

"I was 5 he was 7 and I met J when I was 7." I said and they nodded in agreement.

"How long y'all knew each other." Syx asked Nia.

"I was 12 when I met her we all knew each other for around 6 years." Nia said.

"Yea than I met kd 5 years ago." I said and everyone nodded.

"DL was ha brother." Kd said and Syx mouth dropped open.

"DL as in Dominic, Loaded my best friend who died 3, 4 years ago." He said loaded referring to his street name.

"Wait so you were his best friend. Yo name is Mehki?" I asked and he nodded.

"He was always talking bout you, he told me before he died he said "if u ever meet Mehki tell him I'm sorry for leaving that imma always be there and I love you." He told me to tell you he loves you." I said as a tear slipped down my eye I looked over at him and his eyes were watery he blinked em away. I can tell how close they were they saw each other as brothers, they were with each other 25/8 and to actually react that way to just me telling him my brother loves him breaks my heart.

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