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October 23rd
Kemiya POV
1 month later

"Kemiya." Cay called making kemiya turn her head.

"CAY." She yelled running up to her. She hugged her real tight.

"Whatchu doing hea." Kemiya asked after they was done huggin.

"Girl my mama switched my schools." She said shaking her head.

"Ok so what teacher you got." She asked as they walked into the school.

"Mrs. Tay." She said as Kemiya gasped.

"You in my class." Kemiya clapped her hands.

"I'm is?" She squeals.

"Yup, and you in a good class, all tha otha classes borin." She said as cay nodded.

They walked into Mrs. Tay's classroom, the kids were talking not paying nobody no mind.

"MRS. TAY." Kemiya yelled. Mrs. Tay sighed before looking up at Kemiya.

"Kemiya, if I have to tell you to stop yelling again imma give some extra homework." She said with a mug on her face.

Kemiya mentally mimicked her before speaking again.

"Anyways, this is my Bestie Cay, she new hea." Kemiya said catching everyone's attention.

All the kids look at them before going back to what they was doing.

"Ok, welcome to the class Cay, you can sit in the seat next to Taziah." Mrs. Tay said.

"Um...who dat is." Cay asked looking around.

"Taziah raise your hand real quick." Mrs. Tay said so she did as told and cay walked over and sat in the seat next to her.

"Why her can sit next to me Mrs. Tay." Kemiya put her hand on her hip.

"Right." Cat said standing from her seat.

"So y'all can talk and not pay attention to the class? Yea I don't think so." Mrs. Tay rose up her eyebrows.

"Now everyone quite down and take a seat." Mrs. Tay said walking to her desk but no one listened.

Kemiya rolled her eyes before going to sit at the desk.

"Ay nana, you got snacks?." Kemiya asked.

"Yea you got snacks?" Nana asked.

"Yup." Kemiya nodded.

"We finna trade at recess." She asked.

"Mhmm." Kemiya hummed.

"If y'all don't stop talking we ain't going out for recess." Mrs tay said making the whole class quite down.

"What I thought, ok everyone line up...but that don't mean start talking." She said as everyone lined up.

"My mama got a lota money." Evette said standing next to Kemiya and and Cay.

"Girl, just cause ya mama got money don't mean you do." Cay said.

"Yes it do, because my mama buy me stuff." She said in a duh tone.

"So you telling me that since ya mama buy you stuff it's ya money too?" Kemiya asked.

"Yes." She nodded.

"I'm finna tell my mama dat." Kemiya said.

"Ight quite in the halls." Mrs. Tay said as the line began to move.

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