1: We're Going to School?

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I was cleaning the Poseidon cabin for inspection when Chiron called the meeting. Okay, I'll back up. Why do I sleep in Cabin 3? I'm a granddaughter of both Athena and Poseidon (crazy, right?), so I get to chose where I live. My younger brother, Ethan, hangs out in the Athena cabin, but I prefer fewer people. Sadly, Luke also likes the sea god's cabin, although it's probably because he and Ethan have this ongoing rivalry, so I'm always stuck playing peacekeeper, while simultaneously forcing Luke to clean up his many, MANY messes. Anyways, my best friend, Silena, had been sent to get me. A little bit about her: she's a child of Piper McLean and Jason Grace, and she got the best of both worlds. Her hair is blond, and she always wears it in two short braids. She and her mother both have the same kind of eyes (like looking into a kaleidoscope) as well as skin color. Her clothes can be anything, as long as her denim jacket is on her back, and her blue knee-high sneakers are laced up.

"Chiron wants to see us!" she exclaimed as soon as I opened the door.

"'Us' being. . ?"

"You know. The children of the seven, plus Bianca, Lana, Logan, Maia, Riley, Wyatt, Forrest, and Rose."

"Okay," I said, as I shoved a pair of black jeans, identical to the ones I was wearing, into my dresser. "Let's go."

One thing I can say about Silena: sometimes, her Aphrodite lineage showed. As we walked, she gossiped about a new camper, a satyr and a dryad, although I wasn't really listening. Clearly, Apollo was in a good mood, because the sun shined warm and bright. A little too warm, I thought, and tied my blue hoodie around my waist. A light wind danced through my elbow-length, blond hair

Finally, we reached the Big House. We got to the ping-pong table. About half of the people were there. As soon as I walked in, I received a hug from Emma and Lia, who were running around the table, hugging everybody that they passed. Lia's mouth was covered in chocolate, and Emma's teeth were rainbows.

"Oh, no!" I groaned. "Who gave Lia and Emma sugar?!"

I glared at Hope, already knowing that it was her. She wore her waist length, caramel-colored hair down, and had brown eyes and brown skin. Hope had denim jeans, and wore a cropped white hoodie over the Camp shirt.

"What?" she asked innocently.

"Why do you have a Hershey's bar sticking out of your sock?"

She quickly tucked the tip of the brown wrapper back into her sneaker.

"Getting sloppy, Valdez?" teased Liam.

"Shut up," she grumbled. "Do you have something to tell everyone?"

"No!" he said, a little too quickly.

Hope pulled a packet of Skittles out from his pocket. "Your pocket, Stoll? Remind me who's getting sloppy?

I scowled. "Hope, Liam, get them under control."

"No!" scoffed Hope

"You wouldn't even know that I did it if it weren't for Little Miss Sassy!"

Silena snorted. "As if that makes everything right."

"Your monster, your responsibility," I said firmly.

"Fine!" they both said at once, and went to go calm down the Demon Duo.

Liam knelt down next to Lia and fixed her black tutu, which somehow worked with her light blue denim vest, Camp Half-Blood T-Shirt, and pink leggings. Her black hair was done up in two monkey buns, and her blue eyes were wide. Liam had curly brown hair and green eyes. He wore a black leather jacket ("it's good for stealing"), with a CHB T-Shirt, and jeans. He told her: "Why don't you calm down?"

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