6: Brielle WHO?!

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The girl looked up, revealing electric blue eyes like Jason's. "I'm Brielle. Brielle Castellan."

Chiron stepped forward. "Castellan. . . As in Luke Castellan?"

"Yes," the girl answered calmly.

"But. . . He's dead!" my dad exclaimed.

"And?" Brielle raised her eyebrow.

"That's impossible!" Ethan cried out.

"Do you want to bet?" Brielle snapped. "'Cause I'm standing right here."

"Who's your mom?" I asked, hoping that she actually had a mom.

"I'll give you a hint. You all know her."

Silena raised her hand. "Is-"

"No, she is not dead!"

"Chiron?" I asked, since he was more likely to know the answer than the rest of us.

"I don't know," he said thoughtfully.

"Ugh, you guys are taking forever." Brielle tolled her eyes. "I'll give you a clue. I have three cousins here - on the mortal side."

"But only one pair of demigod siblings have ever been discovered. And that means. . ." Chiron's eyes widened.

"Yup! Brielle Castellan, daughter of Luke Castellan and Thalia Grace!"

There were disbelieving murmurs everywhere, but I didn't get it. You don't control who your parents are! It wasn't this girl's fault that her parents happened to be dead and a Hunter.

I walked over to Brielle. "Hi, I'm Bianca di Solace!"

"Well, you've already met me. . ."

"Did you grow up in the Underworld?" I asked.

"Yes, actually, I did."

"Cool! Does that make you a shade?" What? I was curious!

"I was - until I turned into the two glowing-orb thingies."

"Oh. Well, doesn't it bother you that everyone is so. . ." I started.

"Disturbed? Freaked out? Yeah, I'm used to that," she sighed.

I wanted to ask how she was born from an immortal maiden and a dead person, but I bit my tongue.

Sadly, Ethan did not. "How were you born?" he asked Brielle.

I groaned, but she was already saying: "Excuse me, but didn't your mother pop out of Athena's head?"

That shut him up. "Nice," I said. "If only the rest of us could shut him that easily."

"Oh, you won't need to." I could tell that her next sentence would surprise quite a few people. "I'm going to school with you!"

"What?!" my dad asked.

"It's by order of Lord Hades."

"Oooooooookay," Papa said. "Where are you staying?"

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