4: The Room of Requirement Rip-Off.

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"Cool" was one way to put it. In front of me, right on top of Bunker 9, was. . .


A wall. No, not more rock. The wall seemed to be made of. . . something blue? Was it painted? Then I realized: it was a waterfall!

"How. . ." I was too shocked to finish the question.

"I don't know! What do you see?" Brianna asked.

"What do you mean?" I said, confused.

"Well, from what I've discovered so far, the wall looks different for everyone," she explained.

"Oh. Well I see a waterfall. What about you?"

"I see a massive storm cloud."

I laughed a little, unsurprised.

"Well?" Brianna prompted. "What are we waiting for? Let's go in!"

I approached the waterfall as my girlfriend dived straight into the barrier. Without much hesitation, I followed suite. When I entered the room, I was in a well-lit hallway with light blue carpeting and a door at the end. Brianna was already there waiting for me.

I tugged at the door's handle, but it wouldn't budge.

"That's not how you open it," Brianna told me. "You have to use the knocker three times, while thinking what you want to see inside."

"Where are we, Harry Potter?" I was only half joking.

"I think that whoever built this was definitely a fan," she said. "Anyways, I'll open it!"

She closed her eyes and knocked three times. The door swung open, and I was totally unprepared for what I saw. It wasn't a room at all. It was. . .

"The museum," I whispered.


Brianna and I were standing on the front lawn of the Maine State Museum, where we'd had our first kiss on our quest together. It could've been any place, but I recognized the row of three trees and the front doors of the building. (A/N: Yes, I did stalk them on Google Maps.)

"How. . ."

"It's a magic room, Luke. Don't question it."

I didn't update in a while, I'm sorry, now to the notes.
     -I know that it's unusual, but I will not do these side chapters for the other characters until I finish the book, then I'll insert them after this one.
     -Yes, that was an HP reference, I'm a huge Potterhead.
     -Sorry about the inconsistent format. It's 11:35 PM and I'm writing this on my phone.
     -I'm not going to say that this was a lame chapter. If you think that, comment it!
-Here's a screenshot of the museum:

 If you think that, comment it!-Here's a screenshot of the museum:

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Published 7-24-20

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