2: Aphrodite Helped.

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Chiron cleared his throat. "Now that that's sorted out, I will tell you the details."


Silena POV

"You all will be living with your parents during the school year," the centaur informed us.

"I thought we were too powerful, or something," Alex said. Alex had her cinnamon hair in a high ponytail, and her brown eyes always glinted in a warlike way, making you wonder how she could be related to shy Hazel Zhang and gentle Frank Zhang. She had light skin, unlike her sister, Emma.

"I think that we know enough to defend ourselves, right, Chiron?" I asked.


"Besides," Maia added, "if worse comes to worst, Bianca can always shadow travel back to-"

She was cut off by Emma (ever sensitive to the mention of shadow traveling) running up to her and hissing. And I mean, like an actual cat. Probably because she turned into one, with black fur, gold eyes, and a bright pink collar. She then hurried to Bianca and hid behind her cousin's legs, as if to keep her from disappearing into darkness.

"So. . ." Hope decided, munching on Liam's Skittles, "that idea's out."

"Shut up," Maia murmured.

"As I was saying, you all will stay with your family," Chiron continued. "The gods have given all of their houses an extra floor for the kids. By the gods, I mean Athena and Hephaestus. Aphrodite helped."

Hope and Liam both acted like they were gagging. Clearly, I was the only one excited about this. Hey, I have Aphrodite's instincts in me! I can't help it!

"Please tell me that there's no pink," Alex begged. "Anything but pink!"

Sammy, being her best friend, whispered something to her. I couldn't hear, but I made out the words "Hope" and "prank".

Hope whispered something to Liam, which I did hear, since I was sitting right next to them. She said: "I am bugging him so I can find a way to get back at him for ruining my last prank. He says 'Don't give Hope any ideas for a prank'. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Oh, I am definitely thinking what your thinking." Then, out loud: "And you were the one who ruined your last prank." He got up and ran.

"Hey!" Hope chased after him.

Maia grabbed her brother. "Nice try!"

Hope caught up to them, but before she could beat the Hades out of him, Chiron cleared his throat.

"AS I WAS SAYING," he said, "your houses have been extended. Your schedules have been modified so that you have at least one other demigod in all of your classes. While there, keep a lookout for others. That is all, you may leave."

Luke POV

We have to go to school now. Great, I thought as I walked toward the Poseidon cabin. I get to do homework, and leave most of my friends for the entire school year! A sudden thought occurred to me as I passed the Zeus cabin. Brianna! Oh no. She was going to murder me! I climbed up the steps to the temple-like building.

Thank you if you read this! OCs are open throughout the entire story (see chapter one).

Do you ship anybody in here? *evil laugh*

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