Unrecognizable | Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

You were taking one last walk around Zombie town before everyone got quarantined in their homes. Seeing Zoey outside you quickly ran over to her, "Hey Z, whatcha' doing?"
      "Oh! Hey (Y/N/N) have you seen any werewolves! I wanna make a were-friend." She said hammering up a poster with a werewolf on it.

You sigh, leaning down to her level, "I don't think they exactly want friends Z, they've got their pack, they don't need anyone else."

"Why not? Everyone needs friends..." She said sadly dropping the hammer away from the poster she was nailing up.

You put your hands on her shoulders, squeezing ever so slightly. "Listen Z, just-" - "Zoey! Come on home! It's not safe out here with these werewolves on the loose!" Her father yelled from the porch.

"She'll be in, just give us a minute!" You yell and he nodded before going back inside. She went back to hammering as you held up the 'poster' for her, and when a man in a work suit came up you had to dodge her hammer as she swung around to talk to him.

"Hey, have you seen a werewolf?! I'm looking for a were-friend!" She explained excitedly, you immediately stood up- getting all 'big sister' protective of Zoey.

He stared at you for a few seconds before snapping out of it. You narrowed your eyes at him, "Silly kid there are no such things as werewolves!" He said looking down at her. You got a little closer making sure nothing would happen to your Zombie friend.

"But we heard it howl!" She tried reasoning with the man, "Maybe it was a hiker, saying 'howl's it going?'" he argued back, glancing up at you every few seconds.

"It was a werewolf!" She pauses, taking a better look at him, "My... what big eyes you have..." She trailed off while looking into his eyes.

"Alright kiddo sorry to cut this encounter short but let's get you back inside before your dad throws a hissy fit, alright?" You said while glancing at the guy, making sure he wasn't getting any closer.

Zoey nodded, giving you one last big smile, before grabbing the hammer and running inside.

You turned to walk away from the creepy guy before he grabbed your wrist and called, "Wait!" You quickly pulled your wrist out of his grip, before turning to him with an annoyed expression.

"What do you want four-eyes?" You asked quite rudely, but you didn't care, you didn't know this guy, and you didn't exactly want too either. He looked at your hair for a second almost as if he knew it from somewhere. He shook his head. "What's your name?" You didn't answer, looking at him suspiciously.

He shook his head again, before turning around and taking the 'poster' and running off somewhere. You glared at the back of his head, turning around and running home.

That's enough of people for today.


To be continued

Word count: 489

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