The New Kids | Chapter 4

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(Btw, Addison doesn't have white hair in this.)

(Y/N)'s POV

"As the first ever Zombie president, I will allow Zombies to go to the Prawn. I will take Addison as my date, and we will get our photo on the prom wall of fame! Maybe they'll rename the school after me one day." He paused for a second seeming to be in a daydream.

"Zed Necrodopolis high." He snapped out of it. "Preferably before I graduate. Okay! If you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and AWESOMENESS!" He yells into the microphone.

You watch as Addison cheers for him, laughing quietly to yourself. Everyone around you jumping and cheering Zed's name, you wanted to hurl from all of the people touching you. You squeeze through the crowd to get to the closest wall to lean against.

"As your president make Seabrook a place that embraces zombies and-" Zed continued before he was interrupted by Bree,

"Werewolves!" She squeals in fear, you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "Uhm... no, why would we want- WEREWOLVES!" He screams pointing behind you, you jump at his sudden outburst and jump away from the doors.

Everyone starts screaming and running, hurting your ears as you calmly walk to the stage. "There she is!" One of them yell, making you turn around, only seeing all of their eyes on you.

You look behind yourself, only to see no one else. You look back at them again and jump on the stage next to Zed. "Football team! Defense C-24!" Zed yells holding you behind him protectively. 

The football team gets in a defensive position around the stage. Until one, assuming the leader, starts speaking, "Where's the moonstone white hair!?"

"I think you've got the wrong person." You say looking at the cute boy next to her, his appearance was different, but his face struck a nerve, reminding you that you knew him somehow. "Uh... Eliza what do we do?!" Zed asks looking at his best friend.

"We can smash our Z-bands and Zombie out; we can fend them off with our strength!" Eliza says confidently, you look at her like she's stupid.

"We don't even know if they want to harm us yet!" You yell at them making them both look at you, then to them, then back to each other.

"I mean, I guess she's rig-" Zed was cut off by another one of the werewolves. "Our razor-sharp claws will gut em' and splatter their blood!" This caused everyone to scream, and cover their eyes, you purse your lips in a straight line, "Well that ruins my theory."

She smiled sheepishly, "Too much?" She asks the leader. "Wolves! On my command!" They all start growling, and to be honest, it made you want to chuckle, they looked stupid. The somewhat familiar boy seems to whisper something in her ear which makes her roll her eyes, "I hate it when you're right. Wolves! Stand down!"

"Okay...?" Zed whispers. The Leader starts speaking again, "Sorry, we werewolves so admire your town, and we just came here to," she paused, " Join your school!"

"What! They can't join our school!" You yell, not trusting these wolves at all.

"Technically the forbidden forest is within the school district." Coach pipes in.

"Soo... Welcome to Seabrook!" Addison says with her usual giddy attitude. You roll your eyes and begin walking away, before you're stopped by Zed.

"Hey (Y/N/N) I was wondering if you could help me get votes for school president?" He asked hopefully, I ponder it for a second before nodding. He smiled, "Great! Meet me after school!" He said before running off.

You look over at the werewolves to see them casually watching you.
      You fake smile and wave, walking off in the direction of the gym.


To be continued

Word count: 630

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