The Start | Chapter 11

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Addison's POV

I sat at the table with my parents eating breakfast, what was weird was that they haven't talked to me all morning. And I wasn't much of a conversation starter.

"So..." Mom starts, I look up at her. " Where's your sister she's usually down by this time." She states looking at her watch.

I start panicking on the inside, but for mine and her sake I didn't show it, "Didn't she text you? She stayed at a friend's house last night."

------0-----Later that day -----0-----

(Y/N)'s POV

Once we get to the power station, and we got there pretty fast, due to our werewolf super speed. You had Wyatt explain the plan again, to all of those who weren't in school to hear it.

"I can feel the energy of the moonstone I know it's in here, it has to be!" you say looking at the building, Willa put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "And when we get it, we'll bring it back and cure everyone. Don't worry (Y/N) we got this." She gives you a reassuring smile, you give her a small smile in return.

Running inside with my pack following, we ran through the doors without even thinking about the alarm. Causing it to go off... "We triggered the alarm hurry!" you yell, running through the power station, with your pack not far behind.

"Wolves! Freeze where you are!" My dad yells giving me a second glance. "(Y/N)?" He asks taking in my appearance. "(Y/N)! Get away from those monsters!" This made you angry. "Congrats dad, you just managed to call your own daughter a monster!" you said baring your fangs and flashing your eyes.

He gasped and jumped away; his eyes full of fear. You chuckled, "Just let us grab the moonstone and we'll be on our way." He gave me a look, "I can't let you do that." - "Wolves on my command!" you shouted, your dad backing away slowly.

Your pack got into a defensive stance, they're eyes turning gold and they're moonstones shining a bright blue.

Addison's POV

Bree ran over to me worried, "Addi are you okay?" I shook my head knowing that something bad was going to happen to my sister's pack of wolves. Bree jumped when she heard the Z-Alarm. "The Z-Alarm? Addison what's going on?!" Bree demanded, I let the alarm do the talking for me

"Attention, Attention. Monster activity has been found in the Power Station, interrupting the demolition."

"The werewolves!" She gasped I quickly ran off to help, Bree following.

"Wait! Addi we won't be able to go this alone." I knew she was right, so I nodded, running off to Zombie town.

Don't worry (Y/N), I'm getting help.


Word count: 458

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