chapter 6

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After changing from my work clothes into a loose t-shirt and shorts, I head to the common area, noticing Harry's room is darker than normal. He's painted. I smile at the stone grey, realizing it's the first permanent mark he's made on the place. As much as having a roommate sucks, it's necessary, and the new paint signifies he won't be bolting in a few days, leaving me with a significant rent check I can no longer handle on my own.

Taking more steps, I also notice the new doorknob on the bathroom. Fantastic. If I need any repairs, I now have my own personal handyman.

I'm beaming when I breach the hallway's opening but linger when I hear Alice and Harry talking.

"You're too close to my purse." Alice clips, pausing a second before demanding, "Pass it over here."

I lift a hand to my mouth to stifle my laugh.

"I thought we were friends, Sunshine. I made you—and I quote—the best damn grilled cheese of your life."

"We were, until you outed me for spilling the beans on my best friend. Friends don't manipulate friends, Harry."

"It was all in good fun."

By his tone, it's clear he's mocking her and as much as I'm enjoying Alice busting Harry's balls, I step out for the sake of his genitalia. "You two have been busy today."

Alice's standing by my open bay window and Harry's lounging on the couch. Apparently his room isn't the only place he's made himself at home. He flicks his hand through the air. "Yeah. We played a few board games, braided each other's hair, gossiped about you. We're practically besties."

Alice scoffs.

"You also painted your room and replaced the lock on the bathroom." I smile like a proud mother.

Harry nods. "That I did."

"Thank you."

He rises, placing his elbows on his knees. "Are you grateful enough to spare me from playing this game?"

I glance at my best friend, who is viciously shaking her head no, before shifting my gaze back to him. "Did Alice help you with any of the work today?"


"My answer's the same."

Harry groans, flopping back onto the couch. Alice takes it as her cue to get started.

"Alright ladies and gentleman, the game is Never Have I Ever and the rules are as follows—"

"Ali, we all know how to play." Scooting Harry's legs over, I sit next to him on the couch. He's in my spot, but I let it slide. His knee settles against my thigh, blistering heat through my skin, but I ignore it. I also don't move away.

Alice points a manicured finger my way. "Don't spoil this moment for me."

I lift my hands in defeat, internally laughing at her need to be the Bob Barker of our measly house game. "Go ahead then."

She smiles at my encouragement. "Each contestant takes turns saying something they've never done and if other contestants have done it, they have to take a drink. It's as simple as that."

"Is this what we're drinking?" I grab the clear fifth of alcohol from the center of my coffee table.

"Yep," Alice replies. "You had a measly shot of rum left under your sink. Thank goodness I always come prepared."

Harry snatches it from my hand to inspect the label, flinging his legs over the side of the couch in the process so he's seated properly. "Whipped Cream Vodka. Superb."

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