chapter 17

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Having sex with an actual human instead of a mechanical toy is wonderful. Being buzzed into your boss' office ten minutes before quitting time after he hasn't spoken to you in four and a half days, not so much.

I hadn't expected my 'free from David' dip into paradise to last forever, but I'd hoped it could survive the week. Especially since I'd already emailed the completed manuscripts requested of me before he showed up this morning. Focusing on work this week was difficult with Harry interrupting me with his lips every half hour, but by five pm yesterday he was out the door and at work, offering a whole evening of a temptation free work environment. It was just enough time to finish—what will hopefully be—some of the last manuscripts I'll ever read for Johnson Publishing.

Heading to David's office, I smile. This may no longer be permanent. Whatever pompous attitude my boss has in store can't ruin the interview and potential job I have waiting in my future.

"Iris," David greets. His joyful disposition has my nerves tingling. While my boss is many things, joyful is not one of them. "Please shut the door behind you."

I close the door and take a seat. "Good morning, sir. Did you see the manuscripts I emailed?"

"I did. But that isn't the reason I called you in here."

I bite the inside of my cheek, my nerves buzzing like a beehive. Something is up with him, but I conceal my anxiety. "I'm all ears."

David chuckles, his lips morphing into a full, amused leer. It's a strange look on him. Placing his elbows onto the mahogany desk, he clasps his hands together. "Are you aware what keeps this company so successful?"

Job cuts and over-worked employees who garner no respect are a few answers coming to mind.

"Hard work?"

"Loyalty. And yes, hard work. We expect our employees to remain dedicated to their assignments and complete them on time. That's only achieved if said employee remains focused."

"I'm not sure what you're getting at. I haven't slipped on any deadlines and I'm sure you'll agree my work has remained nothing but satisfactory." I purse my lips, confident in my argument.

Employees are allowed to have a life and that's exactly what I've finally obtained. As long as my deadlines are still met, it shouldn't be up for discussion.

"And we're having this meeting to ensure it stays that way." David glances at his computer screen before holding up his index finger, signifying he needs a minute. I resist the urge to roll my eyes and instead wait patiently for him to finish typing. When he hits enter, I'm granted his focus once again. "A situation has been brought to my attention."

If my patience wasn't starting to wear thin, I might still feel my nerves. "That being?"

"It appears you've been sending resumes to various publishing houses in the city. In fact, just this morning, I had the pleasure of speaking with Lucy at MEKA." He leans forward and lowers his voice to a mocking whisper. "In case you're unaware, she's the president."

I should feel something right now—guilt, terror, anxiety—but I don't. I've worked my butt off for this man, all the while letting him bully me without a single clip in response. I've been professional and respectful without receiving the same in return. Having my secret agenda exposed is unfortunate, but I won't let him make me feel guilty for wanting a career I've rightfully earned. Especially since it would've been avoided if he'd offered it to me first.

I cross one leg over the other. "Sir, I'm aware this news is unfortunate, but there's nothing in our employee contracts limiting us from seeking other companies for employment. Yes, I have an interview with the company Monday afternoon, but I'll continue to be a stellar employee until my situation becomes finalized."

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