chapter 14

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We meet Alice at Cielo after deciding an evening like tonight warranted someplace other than our usual watering hole. Since I don't frequent the nightlife scene and Harry doesn't care, we left the destination in my bombshell's hands.

As we weave our way through a surging ocean of bodies with electronica dance music pulsing through our ears, it's obvious we should have picked a place ourselves.

"This shithole smells like our dumpsters," Harry yells as we head to the bar. It's a difficult trek through arm jabs to the stomach and heel stomps on my exposed toes, but Harry's arm is around my waist, keeping me balanced. In his embrace, I feel safe, and in a place like this that's saying a lot.

As a shirtless guy drenched in his own perspiration fist pumps in front of me, I shout, "Pretty sure that's the body odor." Waves of it crash against my face with each arm thrust this guy makes.

Harry reaches around me to shove him aside, clearing a path so I can take three more steps. And after five more minutes of treacherous weaving, we finally emerge from the dance floor.

"I think I need a shower." I flick my hands in an attempt to rid myself of the sweat that's just been wiped over my body.

"This is nothing. Try going two weeks without one and we'll talk."

His delivery of the line is easy, but it's always unsettling when he references the life he lived before I knew him. He's had it rough and I hate thinking about that. Harry deserves the best. I'm not saying the best is me, just that I'm glad that by living with me I've been able to rectify a few of the luxuries he wasn't offered before.

That tiny improvement has me smiling.

Alice emerges from the same dance floor we did. However; unlike us, she's been dancing. Her hair is a blend of frizz and sweat, but it doesn't keep the eyes away. There's at least three in our vicinity locked on her and, per usual, she is unaffected.

"You made it," she squeals.


"Shove it, Harry." Alice reaches over to grab my wrist. "We're here to celebrate. If you can't do that then Iris and I can handle ourselves."

Harry's gaze scours the room. "I'm not so sure about that."

"You're the one who wanted to go out tonight," I point out. "So lighten up and let's get a few drinks."

With one last look around the club, he nods.

Despite Alice's protests, we stay near the bar. Harry sips his scotch while Alice and I toss back shots. Not too many, just enough to feel a good buzz. Each one is accompanied by a toast to my golden future and after an hours' worth, we convince Harry to take one with us.

"What the hell was that?" Grimacing, he slams the empty shot glass onto the sticky bar.

Alice tosses her head back in laughter and I say, "A Pink Starburst Shot."

"Fitting. It was like a hit of pure sugar." He sips his scotch, washing it away. "How do you drink that shit?"

Alice smiles. "It's called being a girl."

"Which thankfully you are not," I say.

"Thankfully." Harry's eyes soften, going crinkly at the corners. He reaches forward to swipe a bit of alcohol from my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb before wiping it off on his jeans. Its burn sinks deeper than the alcohol in my stomach. "Can I trust you two to stay put for a minute while I hit up the bathroom?"

"Doubtful," Alice replies.

"Of course," I say at the same time.

Harry raises his brows, which I counter with an encouraging smile. "We'll stay here. Promise."

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