stabbing in the dark

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Spencer pov

"I was 9. Parents had gone out and my babysitter had brought over alcohol and drugs and guys. And I was so nervous that my parents would get home and I would be in trouble"

"Why would it be you. They were the ones who brought the drinks and drugs" Justin says.

"There was this shadow man"

1994 (age 9)

"Who's that" I ask my babysitter as a guy walks in with a cool box full of alcohol. She walks over to me and I point out of the window however no one was there.

"No one's there go to bed Spencer" I frown and run back upstairs.

"Would you believe me" I say to myself as I run a finger over my soul mark. "I wonder what you'll be like"

Suddenly I hear a scream and then the noise of people running around. I hide under my bed.

Once the screaming turned quiet I ran downstairs to see a blood bath. Dead bodies everywhere. That's when my parents showed back up and I watched the man kill them aswell.

2000 (age 15)

"Oh come on I went into detail" Justin whined. I just laughed.

"Maybe when your older I'll go into detail."

"Spenc please"

"No. Justin. Believe me"

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