the jig is up

184 1 1

2010 (age 25)
Spencer pov

I curled up further into Justin's side as light poured in. This is why I hate summer I'm sure it's 4am and its already so bright outside. "Honey. Spencer. Baby time to get up. It's 9." He says to me using his powers to lazy to talk.

"No" I whine making him chuckle.

"Not my fault you were up all night writing music"

"I know but I wanted to get it finished"

"Fine but you don't get to join me in the shower" with that I was up and dragging him into the bathroom. "That's what I thought"

"Who do you think won" I asked as I turned the water on.

"Lets not think about that right now honey" he says kissing the back of my neck. "Right now I just want you" I turn around and attach my lips to his. He pushes me against the wall letting the water hit our bodies and I wrap my arms around his neck.

Two hours later.

'I saw through the selfish but saw no soul
They saw through skin, they saw through bone
Out on a limb to save my city
All systems go!
They're all just gears in my machine
I savor every puzzled scream
A piece of them carry with me
All systems go!' I type down onto my laptop. I rest my head on the desk and sigh.

"Everything ok" Justin asks as he puts a hand on my back.

"Yeah just stressed out"

"I may have something for that" he says then picks me up bridal style. He left the office and headed to our bedroom. He laid me on the bed and straddled my lap. He leaned forward and started to kiss my neck then removes my t shirt.

He tied the silk around my eyes, kissing over each one. "Do you need handcuffs? Or leather tonight?" Today was bad the only way for me to calm is have my control taken away and the only person I trust with that is Justin.

My cuffs my hands to the headboard. God did I need this. To feel helpless again, to feel small and weak. I missed it, craved it. And Justin always took care of me, even when I needed the pain of it too.

He opened the bedside table and took out a spider gag. He put it on me stretching my mouth wide, the prongs digging into my cheeks. It was my favorite, letting my mouth be used, and letting Justin decide how.

He moved down and pulled my jeans off to reveal a black cock cage locked around me. I loved the cage. Loved how it made me give up ultimate control, letting me trust him to take care of me. loved that what I shared with him allowed me to feel safe enough to give up control. loved how Justin could just use me as a toy, but even though he could, he never made me feel like a throwaway object. He always made me feel loved and cherished for devoting myself to him, for giving him the gift of control over my orgasms. And for me, it was fun, But also a bit of a stress releaver. Knowing that after everything that's happened I still belong to someone that I have to put my full trust, that i am owned but someone who loves me, that I don't have to be incharge all the time.

Justin was the only one who could control me. the only one that could do this to me. The only one I would submit to. The only one who could dominate me.

The more I thought about what he might have planned for me, the hornier I get, until i was squirming slightly. Justin reached out slowly, stroking his fingers through my hair, and the moment i closed my eyes to enjoy it, he twisted his fingers and made me yelp, yanking my head back. He held it there while he undid his pants and pulled out his half-hard cock.

He moved up and he slid his cock into my waiting mouth. Justin was usually the loving and caring one in the relationship but judging by the way he slammed into my throat without hesitation, I know his dominant side was out now and there was no going back for a while.

I loved it, and gave as good as I got, so that Bucky was pink and gasping when i pulled away. He moved back down and kissed me. "Oh god..." I moan softly, arching into his lips, craving the humid warmth, anything, any touch at all. Then he palmed him, squeezing his balls. This is the point where I want to get hard, cum, have my own choice but Justin knows I don't want that. I need control to be taken.

"What's the matter, Spence?" he asks, kissing my bruised nipple with a devious little smile. I was in constant motion, my hips pinned as he moves down and sucked me through the cage, my back arching pulled at the cuffs that kept my hands bound above him.

"Hurts," I gasped, that same, strained noise in my throat.

"Good hurt or bad hurt?" He asks.

"Good! Good," I was quick to pant. My body blazed with sensation, every nerve aflame, each touch bringing me to the edge and keeping me there, but never going further, no matter what. He could tease me like this for days and I would never come, and the thought made me wild with lust. Even if I tried to work tomorrow, all i would be able to think about was his cock, In my mouth. My ass. Anywhere, just..."please"

"Please what baby boy"

"I'm gonna die..." I moan, my voice cracking when Justin squeeze my full, heavy balls and strayed a finger near my hole.

He pulls out the plug and shoves 3 fingers into me after applying lube to them. He reaches in the draw and pulls something out. Fucking blindfold I love the mystery but I don't like not knowing but that's part of losing control. I suddenly heard a low buzz and I groan. "How bad is it today baby"

"Sir please I need you. I don't want..."

"Spence remember the rules. I know what's best for you."

"Yes sir. Sorry"

"Good boy. How bad today my love" he says then kisses me.

"Bad. Really bad." I whine He removes his fingers from inside me and replace's it with the 10 inch vibrator on the highest setting.

"Justin" I scream. "Sir. Fuck. Please. I need you. I need to cum"

"No baby you need this. Trust me. You need a stress release not just an orgasm."

"Ok sir. I trust you. Thank you"

"You have half an hour then I'll be back" I whine but nod.

Justin pov

I head back to the office to watch the live feed security footage. I save the document of lyrics that Spence had been working on.

"Hello Mark if you are so sick then why do I have photos of you up and about. Let's put your so called illness to the test" the voice says. "Right now there is a slow acting poison in your veins the antidote is inside the safe. The combination to the safe is written on the wall. Watch your step By the way that's flammable substance on your skin so I would be careful with that candle if I were you."

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